Organizations are capturing more data than ever. Today’s business managers and leaders must develop a data mindset and strengthen their analytical skills to interpret and communicate data to make data-driven decisions.
FIU Executive Education’s Online Business Analytics Certificate Program will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to turn abstract data into meaningful information, predict consumer behavior and forecast revenue for any business.
All statistical concepts contained in this course are presented from a business analytics perspective using practical business examples.
Who Will Benefit
Business managers and leaders who need to understand the business applications for analytics, whether for a functional area of practice or for general management. This program is designed for non-technical professionals including:
- Middle to senior management
- Functional leaders and individual contributors of their team
- Consultants
- Entrepreneurs and business owners
Learning Objectives
- Understand models for summarizing, visualizing, and understanding useful information. from historical data.
- Introduce methods for both gaining insights from historical data and predicting possible future outcomes.
- Using spreadsheets for examining data and building decision models.
- Introduce uncertainty into spreadsheet models using Monte Carlo simulation.
- Learn optimization models to help decision makers choose the best decision based on the available data.
- Explore decision analytics approaches for incorporating a decision maker’s views about risk into decision making.
- Use of databases and manipulating data in MS Access.
- Illustrate the use of additional software tools such as R, JMP Pro and Tableau to apply analytic methods.
- Learn statistical concepts that form the foundation for more advanced analytics methods.
- Learn data visualization and data mining not typically taught, but commonly used in current business environments.
- Foundational MS Excel knowledge for analytics applications, then build on this spreadsheet knowledge to present additional topics that are used by many leading organizations in the use of prescriptive analytics to improve decision making.
This is a non-technical program. No coding background is required.
- Basic Probability and Statistics (including mean, median, mode, population/sample variance, population/sample standard deviation)
- Basic Excel (2010 and later) (including entering and editing data, creating worksheets, sorting, formatting, using basic formulas)
General Information/Custom Programs: FIU Business Executive Education can create custom training programs specific to the needs of your organization. Please connect with us by submitting the inquiry form below or contact us 305.348.4217 or

Understand and manage data to solve business problems and drive revenue.
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Use this form to request more information about the executive education training we provide and to let us know about your unique needs. A team member will respond shortly.
Schedule & Registration
Fully online, at our own pace
Register Now
Your program fee includes:
- Full suite of educational materials.
- Instructional resources including R, RStudio, Rattle and JMP Pro and data files.
- Additional material for learners who need to learn the basics of using MS Excel.
- Optional, one office hour with expert guide.
- Florida International University Certificate of Completion
Week | Topic | Study Time |
1 | Introduction to Business Analytics | 3 hours |
2 | Descriptive Statistics | 4 hours |
3 | Data Visualization | 4 hours |
4 | Probability: An Introduction to Modeling Uncertainty | 5 hours |
5 | Statistical Inference | 5 hours |
6 | Linear Regression Analysis | 6 hours |
7 | Time Series Forecasting | 5 hours |
8 | Spreadsheet Models | 5 hours |
Approximately 37 hours of course work with up to four (4) months to complete the program
Here’s the key topics you’ll cover during your program:
- Descriptive Statistics
- Data Visualization
- Probability: An Introduction to Modeling Uncertainty
- Descriptive Data Mining
- Statistical Inference
- Linear Regression
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- Predictive Data Mining
- Spreadsheet Models
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Linear Optimization Models
- Integer Linear Optimization Models
- Nonlinear Optimization Models
- Decision Analysis
Program Faculty & Experts
Financial Assistance & Discounts
FIU Executive Education programs are designed to enhance your management skills and boost your career success. Because our certificate programs are non-credit and do not lead to a degree, they do not qualify for traditional student financial aid. However, financial assistance is available in a variety of methods:
Stay in the Know
Sign up to receive notices about program discounts, new start dates and registration deadlines.
Contact Information
Executive Education
11200 SW 8th Street, MANGO 360
Miami, Fl 33199
Office: 305.348.4217

All Programs for Individuals
FIU Executive Education programs for individuals are delivered virtually by an instructor on evenings and weekends. The short programs, in such areas as human resources, project management, Lean Six Sigma, finance and more, can also be taken fully online at your own pace.