Yuhan Zhan
Assistant Professor, Department of Global Leadership and Management
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 410
Miami, FL 33199
Email: yzhan@fiu.edu
Ph.D. in Business Administration
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Courses Taught
- Recruitment and Staffing
- Staffing Organizations
Park H., Judge T., Lee H., Chung S., & Zhan Y.
When conscientiousness differentially pays off: The role of incongruence between conscientiousness and black stereotypes in pay inequality.
Personnel Psychology
Chung S., Zhan Y., Noe R., & Jiang K.
Is it time to update and expand training motivation theory? A meta-analytic review of training motivation research in the 21st century..
Journal of Applied Psychology
Zhan Y., Noe R., & Klein H.
How can organizations operating in a negative reputation industry attract job seekers?.
Journal of Vocational Behavior