Miriam Weismann

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 345
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-0503
Email: mweisman@fiu.edu

Miriam Weismann

Director for the College of Business Healthcare MBA (HCMBA)

Clinical Professor, School of Accounting

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 345
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-0503
Email: mweisman@fiu.edu


Juris Doctor in Law
DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois

Master in Taxation
Chicago Kent College of Law, Chicago, Illinois

Areas of Expertise

  • Compliance
  • Healthcare Reimbursement
  • Tax Policy

Professional Activities

Professor Miriam Weismann JD, LLM (tax)

Email: mweisman@fiu.edu

Miriam F. Weismann, JD, LLM (taxation) is a Clinical Professor of Business Law and Tax in the School of Accounting and the Academic Director of the Healthcare MBA at FIU. She was previously a tenured professor teaching in the JD/MBA graduate program at Suffolk University (Boston) and in the undergraduate business school. Her research focus includes white collar crime, financial fraud, corporate governance, international law, taxation, and legal ethics. She has published in such prestigious journals as the Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of World Business and has published three recent books, Corporate Crime and Financial Fraud; Parallel Proceedings: Navigating Multiple Case Prosecutions and Money Laundering: Legislation, Regulation & Enforcement.

Professor Weismann practiced law for almost 30 years before entering academia. She was a capital partner in a national law firm. There, she handled white collar criminal defense work and major securities and tax-related litigation. She also argued a case before the United States Supreme Court. She is also licensed in the U.S. Tax Court. In 1991, she joined the United States Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn, New York, as an assistant federal prosecutor, assigned to the Business and Securities Fraud division. She later served as Supervisory Assistant Special Counsel in the Office of Special Counsel John C. Danforth in the WACO investigation. In 2003, she was appointed by President Bush to serve as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois. Her major case prosecutions include the Ford/Firestone investigations and the prosecution of Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Exide Technologies in connection with the DieHard battery. She also prosecuted organized crime and public corruption cases. While serving as a federal prosecutor she received the Director’s Award for excellence in the prosecution of a major public corruption case from then Attorney General Janet Reno and numerous case prosecution awards from the FBI, IRS, DEA, and Postal Inspection Service.


BA: University of Arizona, Tucson AZ
JD: DePaul College of Law, Chicago, IL
LLM (taxation): Kent College of Law, Chicago, IL

Professional Certifications Licensed to practice law: Illinois (1978-present); New York (1992-99)
Licensed to practice in the United States Supreme Court; United States Tax Court; Second and Seventh Circuit Courts of Appeal; District Court Northern District of Illinois


Courses Taught

  • Fraud Examination
  • Fraud Investigation
  • Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Law and Regulation
  • Income Tax Accounting
  • Legal Environment of Business
  • Master's Project in Management
  • Seminar In Taxation
  • Special Topics in Business Law
  • Tax Research, Practice and Procedure
  • Taxation of Corporations II
  • The Legal Environment of Business


  • Weismann M. F.


    <span style="color:#606060;">Getting Global Cooperation Right on Internet Governance: Strategic Roadmaps into the Future</span>.

    International Journal of Law and Information Technology


  • Weismann M. F.


    <span style="font-size:14pt;">How The “Great Resignation” and COVID Unemployment Have Eroded ESI and Access to Healthcare</span>.


    , 49: 4()


  • Sinha J., Weismann M. F., Serin N., & Sewak S.


    Development and Implementation of Experiential Project-Based Learning for Healthcare Management Education.

    Journal of Health Administration Education

    , Volume 39(Number 4)


  • Sinha J., Weismann M. F., Serin N., Sewak S., & Hertelendy A. J.


    Transformative Education Delivery Model and Career Readiness: A Pilot Study of a CAHME Accredited Healthcare MBA Program.

    Journal of Health Administration Education

    , Volume 39(Number 3)


  • Weismann M. F., Sinha J., Hertelendy A., Serin N., & Sewak S.


    Transformative Education Delivery Model and Career Readiness: A Pilot Study of a CAHME-Accredited Healthcare MBA Program.

    Journal of Health Administration Education

    , Volume 39, Number 3,(Spring 2023,)


  • Weismann M. F., Sinha J., Serin N., & Sewak S.


    Development and Implementation of Experiential Project-Based Learning for Healthcare Management Education.

    Journal of Health Administration Education

    , Volume 39, Number 4,(Summer 2023,)


  • Sinha J., Weismann M. F., Serin N., Sewak S., & Hertelendy A. J.


    Transformative Education Delivery Model and Career Readiness: A Pilot Study of a CAHME Accredited Healthcare MBA Program.

    Journal of Health Administration Education

    , 39(3)


  • Weismann M. F., & Perry F.


    Rationing Healthcare During A Pandemic: Shielding Healthcare Providers from Tort Liability In Uncharted Legal Territory..

    University of Miami Business Law Review

    , Volume 30(Issue 1)


  • Weismann M. F., & Holder C.


    Ruthless Utilitarianism? COVID-19 State Triage Protocols May Subject Patients to Racial Discrimination and Providers to Legal Liability.

    American Journal of Law and Medicine

    , 47()


  • Perry F. V., & Weismann M. F.


    Rationing Healthcare During A Pandemic: Shielding Healthcare Providers From Tort Liability In Uncharted Legal Territory.

    University of Miami Business Law Review

    , 30(2)


  • Weismann M. F., & Jorge I.


    The Regulatory Vision of Universal Healthcare in the United States: Strategic, Economic and Moral Decision Making.

    University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law

    , 21()


  • Weismann M. F.


    The Missing Metrics of Sustainability: Just How Beneficial Are Benefit Corporations?.

    Delaware Journal of Corporate Law

    , 42(1)


  • Surysekar K., Weismann M. F., Forgione D. A., & Carmenate J.


    The Legal Environment of Physician Compensation.

    Journal of Health Care Finance

    , 42(2)


  • Smith A., & Weismann M.


    Are You Ready for Digital Currency?.

    Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance

    , 26(1)


  • Dumas C., Foley S., Hunt P., Weismann M., & Williamson A.


    Accelerating Collaboration to Find a Cure: A Non-Profit's Evolving Business Model.

    The Case Journal


  • Weismann M., Buscaglia C. A., & Peterson J. H.


    The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Why It Fails to Deter Bribery as a Global Market Entry Strategy.

    Journal of Business Ethics

    , 123(4)


  • Weismann M.


    The New Macroprudential Reform Paradigm: Can it Work?.

    University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law

    , 16(3)


  • Weismann M.


    The Prospects For A New Global Macroprudential Reform Paradigm.

    Suffolk Transnational Law Review

    , 37(2)


  • Weismann M., & Buscaglia C.


    How Cybersafe are the BRICs? Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues.

    Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues

    , 15(2)


  • Weismann M.


    Achieving the Goal of Credible Regulatory Oversight.

    Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues

    , 15(2)


  • Weismann M.


    Regulating Unlawful Behavior in the Global Business Environment: The Functional Integration of Sovereignty and Multilateralism.

    Journal of World Business

    , 45(3)


  • Weismann M.


    The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: The Failure of the Self-Regulatory Model of Corporate Governance in the Global Business Environment.

    Journal of Business Ethics

    , 88(4)


  • Weismann M.


    Spreading Democracy Everywhere But Here: The Unlikely Prospect of Foreign National Defendants Asserting Violations in American Courts After SANCHEZ-LLAMAS v. OREGON and MEDELLIN v. DRETKE.

    Southern New England School of Law Roundtable Symposium Law Journal

    , 2()


  • Weismann M.


    Selling Out Corporate Reform: Eliminating The Disinterested Person Requirement For Investment Bankers Advising Chapter 11 Debtors.

    New York University Journal of Law & Business

    , 2()


  • Weismann M.


    The Convention on Cybercrime: A Harmonizing Implementation of International Penal Law: What Prospects for Procedural Due Process?.

    John Marshall Journal of Computer and Information Law

    , 23()


  • Weismann M.


    Corporate Transparency or Congressional Window-dressing? The Case Against Sarbanes-Oxley As A Means To Avoid Another Corporate Debacle: The Failed Attempt To Revive Meaningful Regulatory Oversight.

    Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance

    , 10(1)


Show more


  • Weismann, M. (2014). Money Laundering: Legislation, Regulation and Enforcement. American Bar Association Publishing.
  • Weismann, M. (2012). Corporate Crime and Financial Fraud. American Bar Association Publishing.
  • Weismann, M. (2011). Parallel Proceedings. American Bar Association Publishing.