Kimberly A. Taylor
Chair of the Department of Marketing and Logistics
Professor, Department of Marketing & Logistics
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 333
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3318
Ph.D. in Operation and Information Management
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Master of Arts in Managerial Science and Applied Economics
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Areas of Expertise
- Consumer behavior
- Healthcare marketing
- Negotiations
Professional Activities
Dr. Kimberly Taylor came to FIU as an Assistant Professor of Marketing, after earning Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to attending the Wharton School, she earned dual bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Psychology from the University of Maryland at College Park, where she graduated Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa. She earned tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at FIU in 2000, followed by promotion to Full Professor in 2020. In August of 2022, she was named Chair of the Marketing & Logistics Department.
Dr. Taylor's research has been published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Medical Internet Research, and other publications. She has presented her research at numerous conferences and served on the editorial review boards of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and the Journal of Marketing Education, two leading journals in their fields. She served as the sole representative from the College of Business on the Social and Behavioral Institutional Review Board, which reviews and approves research involving human subjects, for 14 years until Summer 2021.
Dr. Taylor is also a frequent media commentator, having participated in stories for NBC6, WSVN, HuffPost, The Sun-Sentinel, The New York Times, and Self magazine, among other local and national media. She was also the Chair of the College of Business Faculty Council (2019-2022) and Women's Power Up Circle (2017 - 2022).
Dr. Taylor created both the “Marketing Yourself” and the “Decision Making and Negotiations” undergraduate classes at FIU, and her graduate-level Negotiations course is an award-winning elective, currently offered in the Online and Flex MBA, Master of International Business and Master’s in Logistics programs. Throughout her FIU career, she has taught in the undergraduate, master’s, doctoral, and executive programs, and given numerous invited presentations to academic and corporate groups. Professor Taylor has also worked with MentorNet (an e-mentoring program), the Honors College, the Women’s Center Mentoring Partnership, the Faculty Mentoring Project, and several student organizations.
Professor Taylor was the third woman to graduate with a Ph.D. from the Decision Sciences (now Operations, Information and Decisions) department at the Wharton School. Moreover, she was the only tenured woman in the Marketing department at FIU for fifteen years and the first woman to serve as its Chair. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, spending time with family, and biking in charity events. She even completed a 100-mile ride in the Dolphins Cancer Challenge raising money for Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Courses Taught
- Consumer Behavior
- Corporate Negotiations
- Decision Making and Negotiations
- Doctoral Research in Marketing
- Introduction to Marketing
- Marketing Internship
- Marketing Management in the Global Environment
- Marketing Yourself in Today's Competitive Job Mark
- Master's Seminar in Management
- Negotiations
- Ph.D. Dissertation
- Seminar in Marketing Environment
- Seminar in Marketing Models
- Special Topics in Marketing
Van Steenburg, E., (8 other coauthors), V., & Taylor, K. A.
The New World of Philanthropy: How Changing Financial Behavior, Public Policies, and COVID-19 Affect Nonprofit Fundraising and Marketing.
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Taylor, K. A., & Humphrey Jr, W. F.
Impact of Reading Medical Blogs and Information Presentation on Readers' Preventative Health Intentions: Mixed Methods, Multi-Study Investigation.
Journal of Medical Internet Research
, 23(12)
- Taylor, K., & Knibb, J. N. (2019). Don't Give Us Pink Ribbons and Skinny Girls: Breast Cancer Survivors' Evaluations of Cancer Advertising. Health Marketing Quarterly, 36(2).
- Gomez, C., & Taylor, K. (2018). Cultural differences in conflict resolution strategies: A US–Mexico comparison. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management.
- Alvarez, C. M., Taylor, K. A., & Gomez, C. (2017). The Effects of Hispanic Bilinguals' Language Use and Stereotype Activation on Negotiation Outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 72.
- Knibb, J. N., & Taylor, K. (2017). Living 'Light Green': The Limits and Lived Experiences of Green Motherhood. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 20(3).
- Alvarez, C., Taylor, K., & Rauseo, N. (2015). Creating Thoughtful Salespeople: Experiential Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Traditional and Online Sales Education. Marketing Education Review.
- Taylor, K. A., & Knibb, J. N. (2013). Cry, Laugh or Fight: The Impact of the Advertising Image and Disease Target Match on Consumers' Evaluations of Cancer Advertising. Psychology & Marketing, 30(4).
- Taylor, K. A., Miyazaki, A. D., & Mogensen, K. B. (2013). Sex, beauty, and youth: An analysis of advertising appeals targeting U.S. Women of different age groups. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 34(2).
- Miyazaki, A., & Taylor, K. A. (2008). Researcher Interaction Biases and Business Ethics Research: Respondent Reactions to Researcher Characteristics. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(4).
- Taylor, K. A., Mesmer-Magnus, J. R., & Burns, T. M. (2008). The Art of Negotiation: The Effect of Training on Negotiator Confidence. Journal of Education for Business, 83(3).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Lassar, W. M., & Taylor, K. A. (2007). Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic response to online self-service tasks: Implications for perceived quality and patronage intentions. Journal of Services Marketing, 21(7).
- Harris, J. L., & Taylor, K. A. (2003). Exploring the Boundaries of Strategic Partnership: The Case for Greater Agency Involvement in Strategic Partnerships. Journal of Advertising Research, 43(4).
- Taylor, K. A. (2003). Marketing Yourself in the Competitive Job Market: An Innovative Approach to Preparing Undergraduates for Marketing Careers. Journal of Marketing Education, 24(2).
- Barone, M. J., Miyazaki, A. D., & Taylor, K. A. (2000). Does One Good Turn Deserve Another? Examining the Influence of Cause-Related Marketing Efforts on Consumer Choice. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2).
- Taylor, K. A. (2000). Explaining Individual and Task Differences in Consumer Attitudes toward Ambiguity. Marketing Letters, 11(2).
- Taylor, K. A., & Burns, M. (1999). Changes in Pre- and Post-Purchase Evaluative Criteria: Exploring the Impact on Consumer (Dis)Satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 12(0).
- Taylor, K. (1998). The Marketing Trade Show: A New Method for Incorporating Student Projects into Large Courses. Journal of Marketing Education, 20(3).
- Taylor, K. (1997). A Regret Approach to Assessing Consumer Satisfaction. Marketing Letters, 8(2).
- Taylor, K. (1995). Testing Credit and Blame Attributions as Explanation for Choices under Ambiguity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 64(2).