Hemang Subramanian

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 207A
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3559
Email: hsubrma@fiu.edu

Hemang Subramanian

Director, Master of Data Science and AI, Business Analytics Track

Director, Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) Program

Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 207A
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3559
Email: hsubrma@fiu.edu


Ph.D. in Information Technology Management
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

Master of Science in Software Systems
Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani, India

Areas of Expertise

  • Applications of Machine learning -Support Vector Machines, Convolutional Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models
  • Cryptocurrency Markets and Economics of Decentralization
  • Information Technology Entrepreneurship

Professional Activities

I am an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics at FIU. I work in the area of Information Systems Economics focused on marketplaces and study high value/high volume transaction-based systems using a variety of methodologies such as econometrics, qualitative analysis and design science research method. More recently I have studied IT security, IT entrepreneurship and venture capital (VC) investments, blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption, IoT in healthcare, and user-generated content. I graduated with a Ph.D. in ITM from the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Tech, an EPBM from IIM Calcutta, M.S. in Software Systems from BITS, Pilani, and B.E in Computer Engineering from NITK, Suratkal, India. 

Courses Taught

  • Analyzing and Leveraging Transactional Data
  • Blockchain for Business
  • Business Analytics
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Electronic Commerce and Internet Business Applicat
  • Introduction to Information Systems
  • Introduction to Information Systems Management
  • Management Information Systems Internship
  • Managing the IS Function and Technology Innovation


  • Subramanian, H. C., & Rouxelin, F.


    Predicting Bitcoin Prices Using Sentiments with LSTM Neural Networks.

    Decision Support Systems


  • Subramanian H. C., & Rouxelin F.


    Do Cryptocurrency Rewards Improve Platform Valuations?

    Information and Management


  • Subramanian, H.


    A Decentralized Marketplace for Patient-Generated Health Data: Design Science Approach.

    Journal of medical Internet research

    , 25(null)


  • Subramanian H. C., Angle P., Rouxelin F., & Zhang Z.


    <span>A decision support system using signals from social media and news to predict cryptocurrency prices</span>.

    Decision Support Systems


  • Xiong, Z., Liu, R., & Subramanian, H. C.


    Survival in the Web3 Ecosystems: An Empirical Analysis.

    PreICIS SIGBIT conference on information systems and Business Analytics


  • Sengupta, A., & Subramanian, H. C.


    User Control of Personal mHealth Data Using a Mobile Blockchain App: Design Science Perspective.

    JMIR mHealth and uHealth

    , 10(1)


  • Subramanian, H. C., & Subramanian, S. C.


    Improving Diagnosis through Digital Pathology: A Proof-of-concept Implementation using Smart Contracts and Decentralized file storage (IPFS),.

    Journal of Medical Internet Research


  • Subramanian, H. C., Mitra, S., & Ransbotham, S. (2021). Capturing Value in Platform Business Models that Rely on User-Generated Content. Organization Science.
  • Subramanian, H. C., Cousins, K., Bouyad, L., Sheth, A., Conway, D., Salcedo, E., & Pined, J.


    Blockchain In Information Systems: Panel Report.

    Communications of the Association of Information Systems


  • Subramanian, H. C., & Malladi, S. S. (2020). Bug Bounty Marketplaces and Enabling Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Database Management, 31(1).
  • Subramanian, H. C., & Liu, R. (2020). Blockchain and Smart Contract: A Review. Journal of Database Management.
  • Subramanian, H. C., Cousins, K., Bouyaud, L., Sheth, A., Conway, D., Salcedo, E., & Pineda, J. (2020). Blockchain Regulations and Decentralized Applications. Communications of the AIS.
  • Cousins, K., Subramanian, H. C., & Zadeh, P. (2019). Value Sensitive Design Perspective for Cryptocurrencies: A Research Agenda. Communications of the AIS.
  • Malladi, S. S., & Subramanian, H. C. (2019). Bug Bounty Programs for Cybersecurity: Practices, Issues, and Recommendations. IEEE Software.
  • Subramanian, H. C., & Liu, R. (2019). Smart Contracts Based Agile Software Development. IEEE Blockchain.
  • Subramanian, H. C. (2019). Security Tokens : Architecture, Smart Contract Applications and Illustrations using SAFE. Managerial Finance.
  • Sheth, A., & Subramanian, H. C. (2019). Blockchain and Contract Theory: Modeling Smart Contracts using Insurance Markets. Managerial Finance.
  • Subramanian, H. (2017). Decentralized blockchain-based electronic marketplaces. Communications of the ACM, 61.
  • Subramanian, H., & Overby, E. (2016). Electronic commerce, spatial arbitrage, and market efficiency. Information Systems Research, 28.

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  • Soundararajan, P., & Subramanian, H. C.


    <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Create-your-Marketplace-Ethereum-Network/dp/B0C6BZRHN3/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=Hemang+Subramanian&qid=1685553306&sr=8-3"><span style="font-size:18px;color:#c45500;">How To Create your own NFT Marketplace On Ethereum Network ?</span></a>.


    Amazon Kindle Publishing


  • Subramanian, H. C., & Ramachandran, P.


    Solidity Programming - Create Ethereum Crypto Token and Dapps.




  • Soundarajan P., & Subramanian H. C.


    How to create your first Ethereum Decentralized Application Using Truffle, Ganache, and Metamask?

    (1st ed.).

    Amazon Inc


  • Subramanian, H. C., & Soundararajan, P. (2020). Blockchain Algorithms, SmartContracts & Applications (1st ed.). Amazon.
  • Soundararajan, P., & Subramanian, H. C. (2019). HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN CRYPTO-TOKEN ON THE ETHEREUM NETWORK. Amazon: Amazon Kindle publishing.
  • Subramanian, H. C., & Soundararajan, P. (2019). Blockchain Algorithms, SmartContracts & Applications.
  • Subramanian, H. (2018). Essays on the Blockchain Vol. 2. Seattle, WA: Amazon Direct Publishing.
  • Subramanian, H. (2018). Essays on the Blockchain. Vol 1. Amazon USA: Amazon Kindle Publishing.
  • Subramanian, H. C. (2017). Essays on the Blockchain - Vol 1. Kdp.amazon.com: Amazon Kindle.

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