Jayati Sinha

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 341B
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-7573
Email: jsinha@fiu.edu

Jayati Sinha

Macy's Retailing Professorship

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing & Logistics

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 341B
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-7573
Email: jsinha@fiu.edu


Ph.D. in Business Administration
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Master of Arts in GIS and Remote Sensing
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Bachelor of Science in Geography and Mathematics
University of Burdwan,  West Bengal, India

Areas of Expertise

  • Healthcare Communications
  • Healthcare Marketing
  • Transformative Consumer Research

Courses Taught

  • Advertising
  • Buyer Psychology and Behavior
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Doctoral Research in Marketing
  • Introduction to Marketing
  • Marketing Management in the Global Environment
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
  • Seminar in Consumer Welfare and Well-Being
  • Special Topics in Marketing


  • Sinha, J., & Nuket, S.


    Online Health Information Seeking and Preventative Health Actions: Cross-Generational Online Survey Study.

    Journal of Medical Internet Research


  • Sinha, J., & Nuket, S.


    Exploring the impact of temperature perception and fear of missing out on distracted walking.

    Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour


  • Sinha J., & Lu F.


    Social Media Usage and the FOMO: Implications for Minimalistic Consumption.

    European Journal of Marketing


  • Sinha, J., Weismann, M. F., Serin, N., & Sewak, S.


    Development and Implementation of Experiential Project-Based Learning for Healthcare Management Education.

    Journal of Health Administration Education

    , Volume 39(Number 4)


  • Aydinli A., Lu F., Baskin E., Sinha J., & Jain S. P.


    Preference For Imperfect Produce: The Influence of Political Ideology and Openness to Experience.


    , 191()


  • Sinha, J., Weismann, M. F., Serin, N., Sewak, S., & Hertelendy, A. J.


    Transformative Education Delivery Model and Career Readiness: A Pilot Study of a CAHME Accredited Healthcare MBA Program.

    Journal of Health Administration Education

    , Volume 39(Number 3)


  • Lu, F., & Sinha, J.


    Understanding Retail Exclusion and Promoting an Inclusive Customer Experience at Transforming Service Encounters.

    Journal of Consumer Affairs

    , 57(3)


  • Bayuk, J., Lee, H. C., Park, J., Saka, S., Talukdar, D., & Sinha, J.


    Mindfully Aware and Open: Mitigating Subjective and Objective Financial Vulnerability via Mindfulness Practices.

    Journal of Consumer Affairs

    , 56(3)


  • Sinha, J., & Lu, F.


    Effects of plan specificity and eveningness–morningness orientation on health goal pursuit.

    Psychology & Marketing

    , 39(4)


  • Garcia-Collart, T., Serin, N., & Sinha, J.


    Healthy (In)Congruence: When Hispanic Identity and Self-Framed Messages Increase Healthier Choices.

    Journal of Advertising

    , 49(1)


  • Sinha, J., & Lu, F.


    Ignored or Rejected Shoppers: Retail Exclusion Effects on Construal Levels and Consumer Responses to Compensation.

    Journal of Consumer Research

    , 46(4)


  • Lu, F., & Sinha, J.


    Dichotomous Thinking and Ethical Consumerism: Overcoming the Negative Effects of Self-Interest through Third-Person Narrative Persuasion.

    Journal of Advertising

    , 48(3)


  • Sinha, J., & Bagchi, R.


    Role of Ambient Temperature in Influencing Willingness to Pay in Auctions and Negotiations.

    Journal of Marketing

    , 83(4)


  • Lu, F., & Sinha, J. (2017). Speaking to the heart: Social exclusion and reliance on feelings versus reasons in persuasion. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4).
  • Sinha, J. (2016). We are Where We Eat: How Consumption Contexts Induce (un)Healthful Eating for Stigmatized Overweight Consumers. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(2).
  • Sinha, J., & Lu, F. (2016). "I" Value Justice, but "We" Value Relationships: Self- Construal Effects on Post-Transgression Consumer Forgiveness. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(2).
  • Sinha, J., & Nayakankuppum, D. (2014). The canny social judge: Predicting others' attitudes from sparse information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 53.
  • Sinha, J., & Nayakankuppum, D. (2013). Knowledge Does Not Necessarily Make the Heart Grow Fonder: The Moderating Role of Knowledge on Accessibility Experiences. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(1).
  • Banerjee, P., Chatterjee, P., & Sinha, J. (2012). Is It Light Or Dark? Recalling Moral Behavior Changes Perception of Brightness. Psychological Science, 23(4).

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