College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 467
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3307
Email: sanchezj@fiu.edu
Juan Sanchez
Knight Ridder Byron Harless Eminent Scholar Chair
Professor, Department of Global Leadership and Management
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 467
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3307
Email: sanchezj@fiu.edu
Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Courses Taught
- Advanced Management Research
- Compensation and Benefits
- Critical Thinking in Human Resource Management
- Dissertation Prep
- Dissertation Preparation
- Doc Res In Bus Admin
- Doctoral Research in Business Administration
- Doctoral Seminar in Business Administration
- Graduate Business Internship
- Human Resource Analytics
- Human Resource Management
- International Human Resource Management
- Management Internship I
- Management Internship II
- Org Behav Mgmt
- Organization Design and Behavior
- Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Processes that Deliver Economic and
- Performance and Talent Management
- Personnel Selection and Placement
- Reward Systems Management
- Staffing Organizations
Sanchez, J. I., Wang, C., Ponnapalli, A., Sin, H., Xu, L., Maria, L., & Mohan, S.
Assessing Common-Metric Effect Sizes to Refine Mediation Models.
Organizational Research Methods
Sanchez, J. I., Bonache, J., Paz-Aparicio, C., & Zarraga-Oberty, C.
<span style="font-size:12pt;">Combining interpretivism and positivism in international business research: The example of the expatriate role</span>.
Journal of World Business.
, 58(2)
Sanchez, J. I.
Who Opposes “Oposiciones”? A job-analytic approach to job-related public employee selection.
Basque Journal of People and Public Organizations [Pertsonak eta Antolakunde Publikoak Kudeatzeko Euskal Aldizkaria= Revista Vasca de Gestión de Personas y Organizaciones Públicas]
Campion, M. C., Campion, M. A., Schepker, D. J., & Sanchez, J. I.
Competency modeling: A theoretical and empirical examination of the strategy dissemination process .
Human Resource Management
, 59(3)
Sanchez, J. I., Wang, C., Ajay, P., & Sin, H.
A Meta-Analysis of Neglected Artifacts in Organizational Behavior Mediation Research.
Academy of Management Proceedings
, Vol. 2020(No. 1)
- Qing, T., & Sanchez, J. I. (2018). Does paternalistic leadership promote innovative behavior? The interaction between authoritarianism and benevolence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
- Brannick, M., Pearlman, K., & Sanchez, J. I. (2017). Work Analysis. Handbook of Employee Selection, 2nd.
- Jang, S., Kim, E. S., Cao, C., Allen, T. D., & Sanchez, J. I. (2017). Measurement Invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale Across 26 Countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(4).
- Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Fainshmidt, S., Sanchez, J. I., Misati, E., & Zhao, Y. (2017). The Role of Economic Development and Perceived Growth Opportunities in Employee Reactions to M&As: A Study of the Merger Syndrome Across 29 Countries. Group and Organization Management, 42(2).
- Salgado, J., Moscoso, S., Sanchez, J. I., & Berges, A. (2015). Validity of the five-factor model and their facets: The impact of performance measure and facet residualization on the bandwidth-fidelity dilema. European Work & Organizational Psychology, 24(3).
- Spector, P. E., Liu, C., & Sanchez, J. I. (2015). Methodological and Substantive Issues in Conducting Multinational and Cross-Cultural Research. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2.
- Wated, G., & Sanchez, J. I. (2015). Managerial Tolerance of Nepotism: The Effects of Individualism-Collectivism in a Latin American Context. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(1).
- Allen, T. (2014). The Link between National Paid Leave Policy and Work-Family Conflict Among Married Working Parents. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 63(1).
- Newburry, W., Gardberg, N., & Sanchez, J. I. (2014). Employer attractiveness in Latin America: The association among foreignness, internationalization and talent recruitment. Journal of International Management, 20(3).
- Gomez, C., & Sanchez, J. (2013). Cultural boundaries of self-justification and prospect theories in escalation of commitment: A US –Mexico comparison. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(13).
- Mayo, M., Sanchez, J. I., & Pastor, J. C. (2012). The palliative effect of supervisor and co-worker support: A source congruence approach to buffering role conflict and physical stressors. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(16).
- Sanchez, J., & Levine, E. L. (2012). The rise and fall of job analysis and the future of work analysis. Annual Review of Psychology, 63.
- Yang, L. Q., Spector, P. E., Sanchez, J., Allen, T. D., & Poelmans, S. (2012). Individualism-collectivism as a moderator of the work demands-strains relationship: A cross-level and cross-national examination. Journal of International Business Studies, 43.
- Bonache, J., Trullen, J., & Sanchez, J. (2011). Managing cross-cultural differences: Testing human resource models in Latin America. Journal of Business Research.
- Lievens, F., Sanchez, J. I., Bartram, D., & Brown, A. (2010). Lack of consensus among competency ratings of the same occupation: Noise or substance? Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(3).
- Lu, L., Cooper, C. L., Kao, S., Chang, T., & Allen, T. D. (2010). Cross-cultural differences on work-to-family conflict and role satisfaction: A Taiwanese-British comparison. Human Resource Management, 49(1).
- Sanchez, J. (2010). Do not think globally, act locally: Managing centripetal and centrifugal forces in international assignments. Universia Business Review, 27(3).
- Bonache, J., Sanchez, J. I., & Zarraga-Oberty, C. (2009). The interaction of expatriate pay differential and expatriate inputs on host country nationals? Pay unfairness. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(10).
- Lu, L., Kao, S., Cooper, C. L., Allen, T., & Lapierre, L. M. (2009). Work resources, work-to-family conflict, and its consequences: A Taiwanese-British cross-cultural comparison. International Journal of Stress Management, 16(1).
- Moss, S., Sanchez, J., & Borkowski, N. (2009). The mediating role of feedback avoidance behavior in the LMX - Performance Relationship. Group and Organization Management, 34(6).
- Sanchez, J., & Edward, L. L. (2009). What is (or should be) the difference between traditional job analysis and competency modeling? Human Resource Management Review, 19(2).
- Lapierre, L., Spector, P. E., Allen, T., Steven, P., & Cooper, C. (2008). Family-supportive organization perceptions, multiple dimensions of work-family conflict, and employee satisfaction: A test of model across five samples. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73(1).
- Sanchez, J. I., Gomez, C., & Wated, G. (2008). A value-based framework for understanding managerial tolerance of bribery in Latin America. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(2).
- Wated, G., Sanchez, J., & Gomez, C. (2008). A two-factor assessment of the beliefs that influence attitudes toward privatization. Group and Organization Management, 33(1).
- Levine, E., & Sanchez, J. (2007). Evaluating work analysis in the 21st century. Ergometrika, 4(1).
- Lievens, F., & Sanchez, J. I. (2007). Can training improve the quality of inferences made by raters in competency modeling? A quasi-experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(3).
- Spector, P. E., Allen, T. D., Poelmans, S. A., & Sanchez, J. I. (2007). Cross-national differences in relationships of work demands, job satisfaction and turnover intentions with work-family conflict. Personnel Psychology, 60(4).
- Wated, G., & Sanchez, J. I. (2006). The Role of Accent as a Work Stressor on Attitudinal and Health-related Work Outcomes. International Journal of Stress Management, 13(3).
- Gomez, C., & Sanchez, J. I. (2005). HR’s Strategic Role within MNC: Helping Build Social Capital in Latin America. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(12).
- Gomez, C., & Sanchez, J. I. (2005). Human Resource Control in MNCs: A Study of the Factors Influencing the Use of Formal and Informal Control Mechanisms. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(10).
- Spector, P., Allen, T., & Sanchez, J. I. (2005). An International Comparative Study of Work-family Stress and Occupational Strain. Work and Family: An International Research Perspective, 1(1).
- Wated, G., & Sanchez, J. I. (2005). The Effects of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Attributions, and Individualism-Collectivism on Managers’ Responses to Bribery in Organizations: Evidence from a Developing Nation. Journal of Business Ethics, 61(2).
- Lievens, F., & Sanchez, J. I. (2004). Easing the Inferential Leap in Competency Modeling: The Effects of Task-Related Information and Subject Matter Expertise. Personnel Psychology, 57(4).
- Moss, S., & Sanchez, J. I. (2004). The Feedback Gap: Leveraging Organizational Learning through Meaningful and Effective Dialogue about Employee Performance. Academy of Management Executive, 18(1).
- Paul, S. E., Sanchez, J. I., Siu, O. L., & Et, A. L. (2004). Eastern Versus Western Control Beliefs at Work: An Investigation of Secondary Control, Socioinstrumental Control, and Work Locus of Control in China and the US. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(1).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2004). Conflictul Munca-Familie la Managerii din Romania. Un Studiu Correlational [Work-family Conflict Related to Managers in Romania. A Correlational Study]. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 2(2).
- Sanchez, J. I., & Medkik, N. (2004). The Effects of Diversity Awareness Training on Differential Treatment. Group and Organization Management, 29(4).
- Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., Poelmans, S., Tammy, A. D., & Michael, O. (2004). A Cross-National Comparative Study of Work/family Stressors, Working Hours, and Well-Being: China and Latin America vs. the Anglo World. Personnel Psychology, 57(1).
- O'Driscoll, M. P., Poelmans, S., Spector, P. E., & Sanchez, J. I. (2003). Family-responsive Interventions, Perceived Organizational Support, Work-family Conflict, and Psychological Strain. International Journal of Stress Management, 10(4).
- Poelmans, S., Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., & Sanchez, J. I. (2003). A Cross-National Comparative Study of Work/family Demands and Resources. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 3(3).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2003). A Comparison Between Trends Perceived to Affect Human Resource Management in Europe and the US. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 11(2).
- Sanchez, J. I., & Kepir-Sinangil, H. (2003). Scanning the Environment of Human Resources Management in Europe and in the U.S.: So Far and Yet so Close. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 11(2).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2002). A Twenty-four Nation/Province Study of Work Locus of Control, Well-being and Individualism: How Generalizable are Western Work Findings? Academy of Management Journal, 45(2).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2002). The Effects of Temporal Separation on the Relations Between Self-reported Work Stressors and Strains. Organizational Research Methods, 5(2).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2002). The Pitfalls of Poor Psychometric Properties: A Rejoinder to Hofstede's Reply to Us. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 51(1).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2001). An International Study of the Psychometric Properties of the Hofstede Values Survey Module 1994: A Case of Poor Internal Consistency. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(2).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2001). Selection or Training? A Two-fold Test of the Validity of Job-Analytic Ratings of Trainability. Journal of Business and Psychology, 15(3).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2000). Adapting to a Boundaryless World: A Developmental Model of the Expatriate Executive. Academy of Management Executive, 14(2).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2000). Adapting Work Analysis to a Fast-paced and Electronic Business World. International Journal of Selection & Assessment, 8(4).
- Sanchez, J. I. (2000). The Practice of Competency Modeling. Personnel Psychology, 53(3).
- Sanchez, J. I., & Levine, E. L. (2000). Accuracy or Consequential Validity: Which is the Better Standard for Job Analysis Data. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(7).
- Sanchez, J. I. (1999). Adopting High-involvement HR Practices: The MediatingRole of Benchmarking. Group and Organization Management, 24(4).
Sanchez J. I.
Peer Review of a Report Commissioned by the Social Security Administration on Selected Occupational Requirements.
(1st ed.).
The National Academies Press
- Sanchez, J. I., & Volberding, P. (2019). Functional Assessment for Adults with Disabilities (1st ed.). Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
- Sanchez, J., & Levine, E. L. (2012). The rise and fall of job analysis, and the future of work analysis.
- Sanchez, J. I. (2010). A database for a changing economy. Review of the occupational information network. Washington DC, District of Columbia: The National Academies Press.