College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 250
Miami, FL 33199


Curriculum Vitae

Alexander Perez-Pons

Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering/CENGR

Lecturer, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 250
Miami, FL 33199


Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida

Professional Activities

Alexander Perez-Pons obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering (1983), a Master’s Degree (1989) and Ph.D. (1998) in Electrical and Computer Engineering for the University of Miami. After graduating with a BS, he began his career as a Software Engineer at Cordis Corporation where he designed instrument and pacemaker software. During this time, he was promoted to senior software engineer and later to project manager. After returning for graduate work, Alexander undertook various research and teaching responsibility in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Miami. Upon graduating with his Ph.D., he obtained an assistant faculty position with the Computer Information Systems department at the University of Miami and later promoted to associate professor. As faculty he achieved two school-wide and one university-wide excellence in teaching awards and an excellence in research awards. He was recognized for his innovation with technology in the classroom with both an Instructional Advancement Center Excellence in Teaching Award and an Instructional Advancement Grant.

Alexander joined Florida International University's department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2013, bringing a teaching style, use of technology in the classroom, and research that spans 15 years experience in academia. He has published numerous transaction articles in multiple journals and conferences on subjects including real-time systems, security, biometrics, and semantic link associations.  His concentration in Cybersecurity and Real-time Embedded Systems makes him a valuable member of the department for his teaching and research.

Since joining FIU, Dr. Pons has taught courses onsite and online and is actively engaged with students to ensure they become Cybersecurity professionals, through course preparation and research.  He founded the department's Cybersecurity Lab, which is used to conduct research and teaching in cyber threat detection and analysis. He is a member of the Applied Research Center research team involved in DOD cybersecurity funded grant. His involvement as a PI, Co-PI or member exceeds $5M in external funding during his time at Florida International University. He has achieved various Tech Fee grants, including funding for the Cybersecurity Lab. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 2005. As a consultant, he has worked in the private, public and government sectors and has advised in such areas as Business Intelligence, Mobile Technologies and Network Security.

Alexander conducts research in the areas of Real-time Embedded Systems, Biometrics and Cybersecurity, with a focus on wearable sensor security, software-defined networks, mobile malware and reverse engineering, and digital forensics. His current focus is applying computational intelligence, machine learning and agent technology for anomaly detection of cybersecurity threats in distributed system – smart grid, software define networks and virtualized environments.

Courses Taught

  • Ethical Hacking for Business


  • Gangwani, P., Perez-Pons, A. E., & Upadhyay, H.


    <span style="font-size:11pt;color:#222222;">Evaluating Trust Management Frameworks for Wireless Sensor Networks</span><span></span>.

    MDPI - Sensors


  • Song C., Perez-Pons A. E., & Yan K.


    AG-SGD: Angle-based Stochastic Gradient Descent.

    IEEE Access

    , 9(1)


  • Gangwani P., Perez-Pons A., Bhardwaj T., Upadhyay H., Joshi S., & Lagos L.


    Securing Environmental IoT Data Using Masked Authentication Messaging Protocol in a DAG-Based Blockchain: IOTA Tangle.

    Future Internet

    , 13()


  • Song C., Perez-Pons A. E., & Yen K. K.


    Sieve: An Ensemble Algorithm Using Global Consensus for Binary Classification.

    Artificial Intelligence


  • Sundarajan A., Sarwat A., & Perez-Pons A. E.


    A Survey on Key Characteristics, Performance Metrics, Threats, Attacks, and Defenses for Biometric System and Wearables.

    ACM Computing Survey

    , 52(2)


  • Perez-Pons A. E., Song C., & Kang Y.


    AA-HMM: An Anti-Adversarial Hidden Markov Model for Anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection.

    Applied Science

    , 8(12)


  • Perez-Pons A. E., Upadhyay H., Gohel H., & Lagos L.


    Virtual Memory Introspection Framework for Cyber Threat Detection in Virtual Environment.

    Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal

    , 3(1)


  • Perez-Pons A. E., De l rosa A., Vidaurre S., Vargas L., & Pons E.


    Security and Privacy Implications of “Do Not Track”.

    International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity

    , 3(2)


  • Perez-Pons A. E., Nayak A., & Kang Y.


    Fuzzy Logic Based Android Malware Classification Approach.

    Recent Science Publications - International Journal of Computer Networks and Security


  • Pons A., Leonard D. C., & Asfour S.


    Realization of a Universal Patient Identifier through Biometric Technology.

    IEEE Transactions of Biomedicine

    , 13(4)


  • Pons A., Lesiuk T., & Polak P.


    Personality, Mood, and Music Listening of Computer Information Systems Developers: Implications for Quality-of-Work.

    Information Resources Management Journal

    , 22(2)


  • Pons A., & Polak P.


    Understanding User Perspectives on Biometric Technology.

    Communications of the ACM

    , 51(9)


  • Pons A., & Plant R.


    MIS Research Involving Human Subjects: Processes and IRB Requirements.

    Communications of AIS

    , 17()


  • Pons A., Polak P., & Stutz J.


    Evaluating the Teaching Effectiveness of Various Data Modeling Notations.

    Journal of Computer Information Systems

    , XLVI(2)


  • Pons A.


    Biometric Marketing: Targeting the Online Consumer.

    Communications of the ACM

    , 49(8)


  • Pons A.


    Object Prefetching using Semantic Links.

    DATA BASE journal

    , 37(1)


  • Pons A.


    Semantic Prefetching Objects of Slower Web Site Pages.

    Journal of Systems and Software

    , 79(12)


  • Pons A.


    Enhancement of Web Object Speculative Retrieval.

    IASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications

    , 27(3)


  • Pons A., & Aljifri H.


    Reducing Overhead of Secure E-commerce Transactions.

    IASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications

    , 26(4)


  • Pons A.


    Database Tuning and its Role in Information Technology Education.

    Journal of Information Systems Education

    , 14(4)


  • Pons A.


    E-Government for Arab Countries.

    Journal of Global Information Technology Management

    , 7(1)


  • Pons A.


    Hard Real-Time C++: An Object-Oriented Language for Real-Time Systems.

    IASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications

    , 26(1)


  • Pons A.


    Improving the Performance of Client Web Object Retrieval.

    Journal of Systems and Software

    , 74(3)


  • Pons A.


    Internet2 and Medicine: Opportunities and Issues.

    Issues in Information Systems

    , 5()


  • Pons A.


    Furniture Company: deductive databases and the scheduling problem.

    International Journal of Information Management

    , 23(6)


  • Pons A., & Aljifri H.


    Data Protection using Watermarking in E-Business.

    Journal of Database Management

    , 14(4)


  • Pons A., Aljifri H., & Collins D.


    Global E-Commerce: A Framework for Understanding and Overcoming the Trust Barrier.

    Information Management and Computer Security

    , 11(3)


  • Pons A., Aljifri H., & Fourati K.


    E-Commerce and Arab Intra-Trade.

    Information Technology & People, Special Issue on IT Management in the Middle East

    , 16(1)


  • Pons A., Aljifri H., & Smets M.


    IP Traceback using Header Compression.

    Computers & Security

    , 22(2)


  • Pons A., Aljifri H., & Tapia M.


    The Estimation of the WCET in Super-Scalar Real-Time Systems.

    Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices

    , 2(4)


  • Pons A.


    Enhancing the Quality-of-Service for Application Service Providers.

    Journal of Computer Information Systems

    , XXXXIV(1)


  • Pons A.


    Web-Application Centric Object Prefetching.

    Journal of Systems and Software

    , 67(3)


  • Pons A.


    Temporal Abstract Classes and Virtual Temporal Specifications for Real-Time Systems.

    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology

    , 11(3)


  • Furht B., & Pons A.


    An Adaptive Real-time ECG Compression Algorithm with Variable Threshold.

    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

    , 35(6)


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  • Pons A.


    An Object-Oriented Language for Hard Real-Time Systems
