College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 435
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-6881
Karen Paul
Professor, Department of International Business
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 435
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-6881
Ph.D. in Sociology
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Master of Arts in Sociology
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Areas of Expertise
- Impact investing
- International business
Professional Activities
Karen Paul is a Professor in the Department of International Business of the College of Business at Florida International University. She has been Visiting Professor, Escuela de Graduados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey (August, 2004 - December, 2004), Monterrey, Mexico.
She was a Fulbright Fellow at the Universidad Catolica Boliviana (August, 2003 - December, 2004), La Paz, Bolivia and Fulbright Research Fellow for Africa, School of Economic & Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand (August, 1987 - December, 1988), Johannesburg, South Africa.
She was the Founding Director of the International MBA Program in 1999-2000 and served as Associate Dean, College of Business Administration, Florida International University (1996 - 1999), Miami, Florida. She was a founding Trustee of Domini Social Impact Funds.
She has also held positions as Research Associate, School of Management, Yale University (1992 - 1993), New Haven, Connecticut; Visiting Professor, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University (1990 - 1991), College Park, Pennsylvania; Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston (1990 - 1990), Houston, Texas; Dean's Research Professor, E. Philip Saunders College of Business, Rochester Insitute of Technology (1989 - 1991), Rochester, New York; Shoemaker Scholar, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University (1989 - 1990), College Park, Pennsylvania; Peace Fellow, Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute Radcliffe College, Harvard University (1987 - 1988), Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Other academic positions include Director, Masters of Business Administration Program, E. Philip Saunders College of Business, Rochester Insitute of Technology (1984 - 1986), Rochester, New York; Adjunct Professor, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University (1980 - 1984), Ithaca, New York; and Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, E. Philip Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology (1979 - 1991), Rochester, New York.
She has published widely in the areas of business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Courses Taught
- Business Ethics
- Business in Europe
- Business in Latin America
- Business In Society
- Colloquium in Managing Organizational Ethics
- Crisis Management
- Global Management Skills
- Global Megatrends, Geopolitics, & Political Econom
- International Business
- Organization Design and Behavior
- Organizational Behavior
- Ph.D. Dissertation
- Professional Development Seminar I
- Special Topics in Management
Paul K.
Why Corporate Social Responsibility Should Be Recognized as an Integral Stream of International Corporate Governance.
Green Finance
, 6(2)
Beydoun, A. R.
“Risk tolerance, time horizon, and estate intention: just how important are ‘circumstances and associated emotions’?” .
BAU Journal – Society, Culture and Human Behavior
, 4(2)
Paul, K.
Sustainability as Strategic Differentiator: The Promise and the Problems of Using Chicle vs. Petro-Chemicals in Chewing Gum.
, null(null)
Parra C.
Corporate social responsibility in international business literature: results from text data mining of the Journal of International Business Studies.
International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility
, 6(1)
Kundu, S. K., Elango, B., & Paul, K.
Social responsibility skepticism: shareholder and stakeholder perspectives.
Social Responsibility Journal
, 16(4)
Paul, K.
Justice versus fairness in the family business workplace: A socioemotional wealth approach.
Business Ethics
, null(null)
- Parra, C. M., Tremblay, M. C., Paul, K., & Castellanos, A. (2017). Exploratory Content Analysis Using Text Data Mining: Corporate Citizenship Reports of Seven U.S. Companies from 2004-2112. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2017(66).
- Paul, K. (2017). The Effect of Business Cycle, Market Return, and Momentum on Financial Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds. Social Responsibility Journal, 13(3).
- Parra, C., Tremblay, M., Paul, K., & Castellanos, A. (2016). Exploratory Business Discourse Analysis: Text Data Mining on Corporate Citizenship Reports of Seven American Companies from 2004 – 2012. Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
Paul, K.
The Ethics of International Trade: Use of Deviation from Average World Price to Indicate Possible Wrongdoing.
Business Ethics Quarterly
, null(null)
- Paul, K. (2014). Stakeholder Theory, Meet Communications Theory: Media Systems Dependency and Community Infrastructure Theory, with an Application to California;s Cannabis/Marijuana Industry. Journal of Business Ethics.
Paul, K.
The Legitimacy of CSR Actions of Publicly Traded Companies Versus Family-Owned Companies.
Journal of Business Ethics
, null(null)
- Panwar, R., Paul, K., Nybakk, E., Hansen, E., & Thompson, D. (2013). The Legitimacy of CSR Actions of Publicly Traded Companies versus Family-Owned Companies. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Paul, K., & Meyskens, M. (2011). Components of a global mindset: Corporate social responsibility and cross-cultural sensitivity. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, 5.
- Elango, B., Paul, K., Kundu, S. K., & Paudel, S. K. (2010). Organizational ethics, individual ethics, and ethical intentions in international decision-making. Journal of Business Ethics, 97(4).
- Meyskens, M., & Paul, K. (2010). Evolution of corporate social reporting practices in Mexico. Journal of Business Ethics, 91(2).
- Paul, K. (2008). Corporate Sustainability, Citizenship, and Social Responsibility Reporting: A Website Study of 100 Model Corporations. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, (32).
- Paul, K., Cobas, E., Ceron, R., Frithiof, M., & Guajardo, D. (2006). Corporate Social Reporting in Mexico. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 22.
Paul, K.
A preliminary investigation into the role of positive psychology in consumer sensitivity to corporate social performance.
Journal of Business Ethics
, null(null)
- Giacalone, R. A., Paul, K., & Jurkiewicz, C. L. (2005). A Preliminary Investigation into the Role of Positive Psychology in Consumer Sensitivity to Corporate Social Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 58(4).
- Paul, K. (2004). Business and Society and Business Ethics Journals: A Citation and Impact Analysis. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 35(2).
Paul, K.
An empirical investigation of the relationship between change in corporate social performance and financial performance: A stakeholder theory perspective.
Journal of Business Ethics
, null(null)
- Azevedo, A., Von, G., & Paul, K. (2001). Does Ethnic Diversity Equal Cultural Diversity? Journal of Business Ethics, 14(3).
- Ruf, B. M., Muralidhar, K., Brown, R. M., Janney, J. J., & Paul, K. (2001). An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance: A Stakeholder Theory Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 32(2).
- Paul, K. (1999). One of a Kind. Business & Society, 38(1).
- Paul, K. (1998). Corporate Social Responsability in Accounting: A Review and Extension. Research on Accounting Ethics, 4.
Paul, K.
Applications of corporate social monitoring systems; types, dimensions, and goals.
Journal of Business Ethics
, null(null)
Paul, K.
Equal Employment Opportunity vs. Seniority Rights: The Emergence of a Changing Social Policy.
Business & Society
, null(null)
- Paul, K. (2009). Research Monographs.