Ali M. Parhizgari

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 210
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3326

Ali M. Parhizgari

Ryder Systems Research Fellowship

Professor, Department of Finance

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 210
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3326


Ph.D. in Economics
University of Maryland, University Park, Maryland

Master of Arts in Economics
University of Maryland, University Park, Maryland

Courses Taught

  • Cooperative Education in Finance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Finance Dissertation Preparation
  • Finance Doctoral Independent Study
  • Finance Doctoral Research Project
  • Global Financial Strategy
  • International Corporate Finance
  • International Financial Management
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
  • Special Topics in Finance
  • Statistical Methods in Finance II


  • Zhao L., & Parhizgari A. M.


    <span style="font-size:12pt;">Climate Change, Technological Innovation, and Firm Performance  </span>.

    International Review of Economics and Finance


  • Figueiredo A., Parhizgari A. M., & Dupoyet B.


    The information content of currency option-implied volatilities: implications for ex-ante forecasts of global equity correlations<br><span style="font-style:italic;"></span>.

    European Journal of Finance


  • Shahrokhi, M., Parhizgari, A. M., Hashemi Joo, M., Okafor, C., Nishikawa, Y., & Dastan, A.


    Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Capitalism .

    Managerial Finance


  • Hashemi Joo, M., Lawrence, E. R., & Parhizgari, A. M.


    Securities Litigation Risk and Board Gender Diversity.

    Journal of Corporate Finance


  • Nguyen, V. H., Gomez, C., Mishra, S., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2021). CEO vs.COO: Shareholder perceptions of M&A announcements based on insider trades. Managerial Finance.
  • Joo, M. H., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2021). A behavioral explanation of credit ratings and leverage adjustments. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 29.
  • Talukdar, B., Soyeh, K. W., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2021). Insider ownership, corporate diversification, and firm value: Evidence from REITs. Journal of Real Estate Research, 43(1).
  • Hardin, W. G., Hurwitz, C. I., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2021). Do Real Estate ETFs Increase the Volatility of REITs? Journal of Real Estate Research, 42(4).
  • Nishikawa, Y., Hashemi Joo, M., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2021). Language and Dividend Policies. Journal of Behavioral Finance.
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Padungsaksawasdi, C. (2021). Global Equity Market Leadership Positions through Implied Volatility Measures. Journal of Empirical Finance, 61.
  • Talukdar, B., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2020). Market Returns and Risk Factors for the Emerging Economies. Applied Economics.
  • Shahrokhi, M., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2019). Crowdfunding in Real Estate: Evolutionary and Disruptive. Managerial Finance.
  • Pavlova, I., De Boyrie, M., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2018). A Dynamic Spillover Analysis of Crude Oil Effects on the Sovereign Credit Risk of Exporting Countries. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 68.
  • Figueiredo, A., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2018). Contemporaneous ADR pricing: Intraday dynamics during overlapping trading hours. European Journal of Finance, 24(3).
  • Hurwitz, C., Parhizgari, A. M., & Hardin, W. G. (2018). A Global Assessment of Real Estate ETFs and Constituent Securities. Journal of Real Estate Research.
  • Figueiredo, A., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2017). Currency Volatility and Bid-Ask Spreads of ADRs and Local Shares. Global Financial Journal, 34(November).
  • Padungsaksawasdi, C., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2017). Major Currency ETFs and Their Associated Spot and Futures Rates. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies.
  • Shahrokhi, M., Dandapani, K., Figueiredo, A., Parhizgari, A. M., & Shachmurove, Y. (2017). The evolution and future of the BRICS: Unbundling politics from economics. Global Financial Journal.
  • Talukdar, B., Daigler, R., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2017). Expanding the Explanation for the Return-Volatility Relation. Journal of Futures Markets, 37(7).
  • Padungsaksawasdi, C., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2016). Major Currency ETFs and Their Associated Spot and Futures Rates. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 24(4).
  • Elshahat, A., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2016). Effect of Federal Funds Rate Announcements on Euro/Dollar Exchange Using High Frequency Data. Asian Economic and Financial Review.
  • De Boyrie, M., Pavlova, I., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2014). Dynamics of Currency Futures and Spot Markets in Selected BRICS Countries. International Journal of Finance, 26(1-2).
  • Pavlova, I., Cho, J. H., Parhizgari, A. M., & Hardin, W. G. (2014). Long Memory in REIT Volatility and Changes in the Unconditional Mean: A Modified FIGARCH Approach. Journal of Property Research, 31(4).
  • De Boyrie, M., Pavlova, I., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2012). Price Discovery in Currency Markets: Evidence from Three Emerging Markets. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(12).
  • Elshahat, A., Parhizgari, A. M., & Hong, L. (2012). The Information Content of the Banking Regulatory Agencies and the Depository Credit Intermediation Institutions. Journal of Economics and Business, 64(1).
  • You, L., Parhizgari, A. M., & Srivastavac, S. (2012). Cross Listing and Subsequent Delisting in Foreign Markets. Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(2).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Nguyen, D. (2011). M1, M2, and the U.S. Equity Exchanges. Frontiers in Finance and Economics, 8(2).
  • You, L., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2011). A Comprehensive Multidimensional Analysis of Listings and Delistings in Domestic and Foreign Markets. International Journal of Finance.
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Pavlova, I. (2010). In Search of Momentum Profits: Are They Illusory? Applied Financial Economics.
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Pavlova, I. (2010). The Boom and the Lean Times in Global REITs: The 2000-2008 Period. Journal of European Real Estate Research, 3(2).
  • Pavlova, I., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2010). Currency Futures Pricing Efficiency and Arbitrage. International Journal of Finance.
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Cho, J. H. (2008). East Asian Financial Contagion Under DCC-GARCH. International Journal of Banking and Finance, 6(1).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Nguyen, D. (2008). ADRs Under Momentum and Contrarian Strategies. Global Financial Journal, 19(2).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Pavlova, I. (2007). Post-Euro EU and U.S. Interest Rates and Foreign Exchange Rates: Are They in Harmony or in Disarray? Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 47(5).
  • Prakash, A. J., You, L., Chang, C., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2007). Global Stocks and Contemporaneous Market Risk. International Journal of Business, 12(3).
  • Pavlova, I., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2006). Efficiency Hypothesis in Currency Futures. Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences (JBBS).
  • Chen, Z., Daigler, R., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2006). Persistence and Asymmetry of Volatility in Futures Markets. Journal of Futures Markets, 26(6).
  • Hamid, S., Parhizgari, A. M., & Prakash, A. J. (2006). International Stock Market Reaction to Interest Rate Changes by Major Central Banks. International Journal of Finance, 17(2).
  • Butchey, D., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2005). Was there Financial Contagion in the Mining Industry in the Aftermath of Bre-X? Journal of Current Research in Global Business, 8(12).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Aburachis, A. (2004). Productivity and Stock Returns: 1954-2002. International Journal of Banking and Finance, 2.
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Gilbert, R. (2004). Measures of Organizational Effectiveness: Private and Public Sector Performance. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 32(3).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., Welch, W., & Aburachis, A. (2002). On the Predictive Power of Interest Rate Spreads: A Vector Autoregressive Approach. International Journal of Finance, 14(2).
  • Dandapani, K., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2000). Equity Indices and Emerging Markets: Methodological Issues. International Journal of Finance, 12(3).
  • Gilbert, R., & Parhizgari, A. M. (2000). Organizational Effectiveness Indicators to Support Service Quality. Managing Service Quality, 10(1).
  • Arvin-Rad, H. .., Parhizgari, A. M., & Prakash, A. J. (1997). Transfer Pricing and Valuation of a Multinational Firm Under Uncertain Cash Flows. International Journal of Finance, 9(9).
  • Parhizgari, A. M. (1997). EU-92: Impact on Intra-EC and International Trade. Malaysian Management Journal, 2(2).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & De, B. (1997). Predicting Spot Exchange Rates in a Non-Linear Estimation Framework Using Futures Prices. Journal of Futures Markets, 17(8).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Liu, W. (1997). Debt Service Capacity Revisited: A New Approach. Journal of Transnational Management Development, 3(1).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Chunhachinda, P. (1996). Time-Varying Optimal Hedge Ratios of Foreign Currency Futures. Finance India, 10(2).
  • Parhizgari, A. M. (1995). The Dynamics and Competitiveness of Euro-Asian Trade Flows. Management International Review, 35(1).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & De, B. (1995). Return to Shareholders of U.S. Targeted Companies Acquired by Foreign Corporations. Applied Financial Economics, 5.
  • Parhizgari, A. M., Dandapani, K., & Bhattachayra, A. (1994). Global Market Place and Causality. Global Financial Journal, 5(1).
  • Dandapani, K., Parhizgari, A. M., Prakash, A. J., & Robbani, M. (1993). Margin Requirement and Cost of Portfolio Insurance. International Journal of Finance, 6(1).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., Prakash, A. J., & Dandapani, K. (1993). Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Investment Horizon. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 20(1).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., Cramer, L., & Auster, R. (1989). Excess Foreign Tax Credit Reduction Strategies. Management Accounting (Strategic Finance).
  • Parhizgari, A. M. (1989). Latin-American Debt-Equity Swaps. The Review of Research in Banking and Finance, 5(2).
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Prakash, A. J. (1989). An Algorithm on the Equality of Dispersion Matrices. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, 38(3).
  • Prakash, A. J., Parhizgari, A. M., & LaCava, G. (1989). A General Proof of Merton's Analytic Derivation of the Efficient Portfolio Frontier. Quarterly Journal of Business & Economics, 28(3).
  • Prakash, A. J., Parhizgari, A. M., & Perritt, G. P. (1989). The Effect of Listing on the Parameters of Characteristic Lines Models. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 16(3).
  • Parhizgari, A. M. (1988). Debt Swaps: Innovative Proposals. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 63(2).
  • Parhizgari, A. M. (1987). Optimum Depletion of Oil Resources in a Developing Country. The Energy Journal.
  • Parhizgari, A. M. (1987). Brazil's Economy Under the Cruzado Plan. The Review of Research in Banking and Finance.
  • Parhizgari, A. M., & Davis, P. S. (1978). The Residential Demand for Electricity: A Variant Parameters Approach, Journal of Applied Economics, Dec. 1978. Journal of Applied Economics.

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