College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 447
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-1103
Email: newburry@fiu.edu
William Newburry
Ryder Eminent Scholar of Global Business
Professor, Department of International Business
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 447
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-1103
Email: newburry@fiu.edu
Ph.D. in International Business
New York University, New York, New York
Master of Arts in International Affairs
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, Missouri
Areas of Expertise
- Corporate (Firm) and Country Reputations
- Emerging Market Multinationals
- Institutional Development
Courses Taught
- Analysis Of Corp Pol
- Dissertation Prep
- Doc Res In Bus Admin
- Doc Sem In Bus Admin
- Emerging Markets
- Fundamentals of International Business
- Global Strategy and Business Models
- Graduate Business Internship
- Graduate International Business Internship
- International Business
- International Business Internship
- International Business Internship II
- International Business Theory and Practice
- Leadership Development Seminar I
- Management Internship I
- Management Internship II
- Master's Seminar in International Business
- Multinational Firm Global Strategy
- Ph.D. Dissertation
- Special Topics in Management
- Strategic Management
- Strategy Development and Implementation
- Theories of Organization
Hermans M., Borda A., Newburry W., Chea C., Finchelstein D., Gonzalez-Perez M., Montoya-Bayardo M., Velasco G., & Velez-Ocampo J.
Becoming a Multilatina: strategic capabilities as necessary conditions for the internationalization of Latin American firms.
, 36(1)
Andrews D. S., Fainshmidt S., Newburry W., Parente R. C., & Haensel K.
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">What determines subunit integration in the multinational firm? A </span><span style="font-size:14.6667px;">meta-analysis.</span><span style="font-size:medium;"></span>.
Journal of International Management
, 29(6)
Stefanidis A., Banai M., Newburry W., Fainshmidt S., Richter U., Schinzel U., Kong Y., Erkus A., Shakirova S., Ozbek M., Goelzner H., Shetach A., & Sigri U.
Managers' dispositions toward formal contracts: A cross-country examination.
Gardberg, N. A., Newburry, W. E., Hudson, B. A., & Viktora-Jones, M.
Adoption of LGBT-inclusive Policies: Social Construction, Coercion, or Competition?
Social Forces
, 101(3)
Pissaris S., Dong L., Taras V., & Newburry W. E.
Academic Pedigree Diversity and International Workgroup Dynamics and Performance.
European Journal of International Management
Bunday, J., Deephouse, D. L., Gardberg, N. A., & Newburry, W. E.
<span style="font-size:11pt;">Can We Adequately Assess Corporate Reputation? </span>.
Rutgers Business Review
, 7(2)
Li, C., Shenkar, O., Newburry, W. E., & Tang, Y.
How Country Reputation Differentials Influence Market Reaction to International Acquisitions.
Journal of Management Studies
, 58(6)
- Dau, L. A., Moore, E. M., & Newburry, W. E. (2020). The Grass is Always Greener: The Impact of Home and Host Country CSR Reputation Signaling on Cross-Country Investments. Journal of International Business Policy, 3(2).
- Newburry, W. E. (2020). What’s in it for me? Local employees’ anticipated career opportunities derived from firm internationalization. Journal of Business Research.
- Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Carneiro, J., Finchelstein, D., Duran, P., Gonzalez-Perez, M., Montoya, M. A., . . . Newburry, W. E. (2019). Uncommoditizing Strategies by Emerging Market Firms. Multinational Business Review, 27(2).
- Bord, A. J., Newburry, W., Teegen, H., Montero, A., & Nájera-Sánchez, J. J. (2017). Looking for a Service Opening: Building Reputation by Leveraging International Activities and Host Country Context. Journal of World Business, 52.
- Borda, A. J., Geleilate, J. G., Newburry, W., & Kundu, S. K. (2017). Firm Internationalization, Business Group Diversification and Firm Performance: The Case of Latin American Firms. Journal of Business Research, 72.
- Chen, C. C., Gaspar, J. P., Friedman, R., Newburry, W., & Nippa, M. C. (2017). Paradoxical Relationships Between Cultural Norms of Particularism and Attitudes Toward Relational Favoritism: A Cultural Reflectivity Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 145(1).
- Hermans, M., Newburry, W., Alvarado-Vargas, M. J., Baldo, C. M., & Borda, A. (2017). Attitudes Towards Women's Career Advancement in Latin America: The Moderating Impact of Perceived Company International Proactiveness. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(1).
- Newburry, W. (2017). Dimensions, Contexts, and Levels: A Flourishing Reputation Field with Further Advancement to Come. Corporate Reputation Review, 20(3).
- Zanakis, S. H., Newburry, W., & Taras, V. (2016). Global Social Tolerance Index and Robust Multi-method Country Rankings Sensitivity. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(4).
- Deephouse, D. L., Newburry, W., & Soleimani, A. (2016). The effects of institutional development and national culture on cross-national differences in corporate reputation. Journal of World Business, 51(2).
- Thams, Y., Alvarado-Vargas, M. J., & Newburry, W. (2016). Geographic Diversification as a Predictor of MNC Reputations in their Home Nations. Journal of Business Research, 69(8).
- Fombrun, C. J., Ponzi, L. J., & Newburry, W. (2015). Stakeholder Tracking and Analysis: The RepTrak® System for Measuring Corporate Reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 18(1).
- Jain, N., Kundu, S. K., & Newburry, W. (2015). Labor-Seeking Emerging Market Firms: Resources and Location Choices. Thunderbird International Business Review, 57(1).
- Jin, Z., Lynch, R., Attia, S., Chansarkar, B., & Gulsoy, T. (2015). The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image amongst younger generation consumers: The moderating role of country development status. International Business Review, 24(3).
- Newburry, W., Gardberg, N. A., & Sanchez, J. I. (2014). Employer attractiveness in Latin America: The association among foreignness, internationalization and talent recruitment. Journal of International Management.
- Soleimani, A., Schneper, W. D., & Newburry, W. (2014). The Impact of Stakeholder Power on Corporate Reputation: A Cross-country Corporate Governance Perspective. Organization Science.
- Abdelzaher, D., Newburry, W., & Kundu, S. K. (2013). The Hidden Costs to Offshoring; Exploring the Mediating Effects of Social Responsibility and Employee Layoffs. International Business: Research, Teaching and Practice, 7(1).
- Gardberg, N. A., & Newburry, W. (2013). Who boycotts whom? A social identity perspective on consumer boycotts. Business & Society, 52(2).
- Bullough, A., Kroeck, K. G., Newburry, W., Kundu, S., & Lowe, K. (2012). Women's political leadership participation around the world: An institutional analysis. Leadership Quarterly, 23(3).
- Newburry, W. (2011). Up, down, sideways, in and out: Multiple connections in the strategic management of the global enterprise. Global Strategy Journal, 1(3/4).
- Newburry, W., & Soleimani, A. (2011). Multi-level reputation signals in service industries in Latin America. Innovar, 21(39).
- Chacar, A., Newburry, W., & Vissa, B. (2010). Bringing institutions into performance persistence research: Exploring the impact of the product, financial and labor market institutions. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(7).
- Newburry, W. (2010). Reputation and supportive behavior: Moderating impacts of foreignness, industry and local exposure. Corporate Reputation Review, 12(4).
- Newburry, W., Yeheskel, O., & Zeira, Y. (2010). Predicting IJV’s effectiveness based on their autonomy levels and the characteristics of their parent companies. Journal of Chinese Business Review, 9(12).
- Chen, D., Newburry, W., & Park, S. H. (2009). Improving sustainability: An international evolutionary framework. Journal of International Management, 15(3).
- Chen, D., Park, S., & Newburry, W. (2009). Parent contribution and organizational control in international joint ventures. Strategic Management Journal, 30(11).
- Newburry, W., Belkin, L., & Ansari, P. (2008). Perceived Career Opportunities from Globalization: Influences of Globalization Capabilities and Attitudes towards Women in Iran and the U.S. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(5).
- Gordon, M., & Newburry, W. (2007). Students as a resource for introducing intercultural education in business schools. Intercultural Education, 18(3).
- Newburry, W., & Yakova, N. (2006). Standardization Preferences: A Function of National Culture, Work Interdependence and Local Embeddness. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(1).
- Newburry, W., Gardberg, W., & Belkin. (2006). Organizational Attractiveness is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Interaction of Demographic Characteristics with Foreignness. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(5).
- Newburry, W. (2004). Significant Differences in the Pre- and Post- Incorporation Stages of Equity International Joint Ventures and International Acquisitions and their Impacts on Effectiveness. International Business Review, 13(5).
- Newburry, W., Yeheskel, O., & Zeira, Y. (2004). A Comparative Analysis of Performance Assessment: International Joint Venture Managers versus Regional Headquarters Managers. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(4/5).
- Newburry, W., Yeheskel, O., & Zeira, Y. (2003). Autonomy and Effectiveness of Equity International Joint Ventures in China. International Business Review, 12(4).
- Newburry, W. (2001). Interdependence and Local Embeddedness Influences on Perceptions of Career Benefits from Global Integration. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(3).
- Newburry, W., Zeira, Y., Yeheskel, O., & Shenkar, O. (2001). Parent-Company Dissimilarity and Equity International Joint Venture Effectiveness. Journal of International Management, 7(2).
- Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Newburry, W. E., & Park, S. (2020). Building Strategic Capabilities in Emerging Economies. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Deephouse, D. L., Gardberg, N. A., & Newburry, W. E. (2019). Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management. Volume 18 of Research in Global Strategic Management. Emerald.
- Newburry, W. E., Liberman, L., & De Miranda Oliveira Jr., M. (2019). Contemporary Influences on International Business in Latin America: Environmental, Firm and Individual-level Factors. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Newburry, W., & Park, S. (2016). Emerging Market Multinationals: Managing Operational Challenges for Sustained International Growth. Cambridge University Press.
- Newburry, W., & Gonzalez, P. (2015). International Business in Latin America: Innovation, Geography and Internationalization. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Liberman, L., & Newburry, W. (2013). Internationalization, Innovation and Sustainability of MNCs in Latin America. Palgrave.