Mark Myring

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 346
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-1294

Mark Myring

Director, School of Accounting

Professor, School of Accounting

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 346
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-1294


Ph.D. in Accounting
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Areas of Expertise

  • Financial Analysts
  • International Accounting
  • Valuation

Professional Activities

Mark Myring is Professor and Director of the School of Accounting at Florida International University.  Prior to joining FIU, Mark was Alumni Distinguished Professor of Accounting and served in multiple administrative roles in the Miller College of Business at Ball State University including Interim Bryan Dean, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Strategic Initiatives, and Chair of the Paul W. Parkison Department of Accounting. While serving as chair, he led a capital campaign resulting in Ball State’s first named department. He has served as President of the Midwest Region of the American Accounting Association. Mark also served as faculty advisor of the Zeta Omega chapter of Beta Alpha Psi for 15 years, Chapter Advocate for the Midwest Region, and meeting chair for the 2020 BAP Annual Meeting.

Courses Taught

  • Accounting for Managers
  • Accounting Internship
  • Dissertation Preparation
  • Ph.D. Dissertation


  • Flasher, R., Myring, M., & Peng, C.


    <span style="color:#333333;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Impact on Corruption from Enforcement Around Personal Financial Disclosure</a></span>.

    Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting


  • Angelo B., Myring M., Stanfield J., & Surysekar K.


    Analyst forecast accuracy during commodity price crashes: The effect of full-cost and successful efforts accounting in the oil and gas industry.

    Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly

    , 71(1)


  • Myring, M., & Westfall, T.


    Are voluntary internal control weakness disclosures in initial public offerings associated with management’s disclosure credibility.

    Advances in Accounting


  • Myring, M.


    The CPA Examination in Evolution.

    The CPA Journal


  • Angelo, B., Myring, M., Stanfield, J., & Surysekar, K.


    Analyst forecast accuracy during commodity price crashes: The effect of full-cost and successful efforts accounting in the oil and gas industry.

    Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly


  • Myring, M., Larson, R., & Orens, R.


    U.S. Comment Letter Writing to the IASB during its first decade: A case of leaders without enough followers?

    Accounting in Europe


  • Myring M., Barniv R., & Westfall T.


    Does IFRS experience affect analyst’s performance?.

    Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

    , 46()


  • Myring, M., & Bloom, R.


    What’s New About Sustainability Reporting? .

    Pennsylvania CPA Journal


  • Myring, M., Athavale, M., & Bloom, R.


    Re-thinking paths to 150 credit hours: Career building opportunities.

    Today’s CPA


  • Myring, M., Davners, K., Steven, G., & Larson, R.


    In Memoriam: Professor Ran Barniv. .

    Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 38

    , 38(1)


  • Athavale, M., Bott, J., Myring, M., & Richardson, L.


    Dean’ perceptions of published rankings of business programs.

    Journal of Education for Business

    , 92(2)


  • Ayres, D., Huang, S., & Myring, M.


    Fair value accounting and analyst forecast properties.

    Advances in Accounting


  • Hoag, M., Myring, M., & Schroeder, J.


    Did the association between audit quality and analyst earnings forecast properties change after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?

    American Journal of Business

    , 32(1)


  • Barniv, R., & Myring, M.


    How would the differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP affect U.S. analyst performance.

    Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

    , 34(1)


  • Myring, M., Bott, J., & Edwards, R.


    New approaches to online accounting education.

    The CPA Journal

    , 84(8)


  • Myring, M., Harp, N., & Shortridge, R.


    Do variations in the strength of corporate governance still matter? A comparison of the pre- and post-regulation environment.

    Journal of Business Ethics

    , 122(3)


  • Barniv, R., Hope, O., Myring, M., & Thomas, W.


    Do analysts practice what they preach and should investors listen? Effects of recent regulations.

    The Accounting Review

    , 84(4)


  • Barniv, R., Hope, O., Myring, M., & Thomas, W.


    International evidence on analyst stock recommendations, valuations, and returns.

    Contemporary Accounting Research

    , 27(4)


  • Myring, M., Bloom, R., & Luchs, C.


    What’s ahead for internal auditors.

    Management Accounting (Strategic Finance)


  • Manoj, A., Davis, R., & Myring, M.


    The state of curriculum integration in colleges of business.

    Journal of Education for Business

    , 83(5)


  • Myring, M., & Bloom, R.


    Charting the future of the accounting, finance and auditing professions.

    The CPA Journal

    , 76(6)


  • Myring, M., & Bloom, R.


    Complexity in financial reporting.

    Today’s CPA


  • Myring M., & Bloom R.


    Global capital markets and the global economy: A vision from the CEOs of the international audit networks – analysis and commentary.

    The Catalyst


  • Myring, M., & Bloom, R.


    International transfer pricing and intellectual property: The PrimeCo case.

    Issues in Accounting Education

    , 22(4)


  • Myring, M., Brickner, D., & Brown, C.


    Using fundamental analysis of financial information to explain unexpected market behavior.

    Global Business and Economics Review

    , 9(4)


  • Barniv, R., & Myring, M.


    An international analysis of historical and forecast earnings in accounting-based valuation models.

    Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting

    , 33(7-8)


  • Myring, M.


    The relationship between returns and unexpected earnings: A global analysis by accounting regimes.

    Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

    , 15(1)


  • Myring, M., & Bloom, R.


    Ideas on globalizing the intermediate accounting courses.

    Advances in Accounting Education


  • Myring, M., Barniv, R., & Thomas, W.


    The association between the legal and financial reporting environments and forecast performance of individual analysts.

    Contemporary Accounting Research

    , 22(4)


  • Shortridge, R., & Myring, M.


    Principles-based accounting standards: What, why and when.

    The CPA Journal

    , 74(8)


  • Myring, M., & Bloom, R.


    Independence standards board staff report: A conceptual framework for auditor independence.

    The CPA Jounral

    , 73(1)


  • Myring, M., Shortridge, R., & Bloom, R.


    The impact of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 123 on equity prices of computer software companies.

    Research in Accounting Regulation


  • Brown, R., & Myring, M.


    A novel approach to accounting education.

    The CPA Journal

    , 72(3)


  • Myring, M., & Bloom, R.


    GAO’s new auditor independence rules.

    The Journal of Government Financial Management

    , 51(3)


  • Brown, R., Myring, M., & Gard, C.


    Activity-based costing in government: Possibilities and pitfalls.

    Public Budgeting and Finance

    , 19(2)


  • Fuglister, J., & Myring, M.


    The state of accounting in Armenia.

    International Journal of Accounting

    , 33(5)


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