Sue A. Ganske

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 316
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-2581

Sue A. Ganske

Clinical Professor, School of Accounting

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 316
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-2581


Juris Doctor in Law
The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio

Master of Arts in Economics
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio

Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio

Areas of Expertise

  • Antitrust law
  • Health care law
  • Intellectual property law

Courses Taught

  • Business Law I
  • Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare
  • Legal Environment of Business
  • Master's Project in Management
  • The Legal Environment of Business


  • Ganske, S. A.


    Amgen v. Sanofi:  The Supreme Court Issues One Patent Case in the 2022 Term".

    Albany Law Journal of Science & T


  • Ganske, S. A.


    Arthrex and Minerva Surgical: The Supreme Court Decides Two Patent Cases in 2021.

    Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology


  • Ganske, S. A.


    TRIPS and Dispute Resolution at the WTO: The TRIPS Disputes and Current Issues under TRIPS and the DSU.

    IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Journal


  • Ganske, S. A. (2021). Nantkwest, Inc. and Click-to-Call Technologies, Inc.: The U.S. Supreme Court Issues Two Patent Decisions in 2019-20. Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology, 31.
  • Ganske, S. A. (2017). Samsung v. Apple, Life Technologies v. Promega, SCA Hygiene Products v. First Quality Baby Products, TC Heartland v. Kraft, Impression Products v. Lexmark, and Sandoz v. Amgen: The Supreme Court Decides Six Patent Cases in 2016-17. John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law.
  • Ganske, S. A. (2016). Cuozzo Speed Technologies v. Halo Electronics: The U.S. Supreme Court Issues Two Patent Decisions in 2016, Upholding A Section of the AIA and Respecting Established Precedent. Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal.
  • Ganske, S. A. (2015). Marvel, Cisco, and Teva: The Supreme Court Decides Three Patent Cases in 2015. Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal.
  • Ganske, S. A. (2014). Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. - The U.S. Supreme Court Holds that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Trumps the Affordable Care Act. Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy.
  • Ganske, S. A. (2014). Noneconomic Damages Caps in Medical Malpractice Cases - Are They Constitutional? Florida State University Business Review.
  • Ganske, S. A. (2014). The Supreme Court Decides Six Cases in 2014, Culminating in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank. Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal, 23(2).
  • Ganske, S. A. (2013). Copyrights Restored: The Supreme Court Yanks Millions of Copyrights Out of the Public Domain in Golan v. Holder. Roger Williams Law Review, 18(1).
  • Ganske, S. A. (2011). The Times They Are A Changin': The Supreme Court Decides Four Patent Cases in 2011-12 in Bilski, Global Tech, Roche, and Microsoft. Journal of Technology Law & Policy, 16.

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