Curba M. Lampert

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 445
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-4929

Curriculum Vitae

Curba M. Lampert

Knight Ridder Eminent Scholar Endowment Chair

Professor, Department of International Business

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 445
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-4929

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. in Management
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas

Master of Public Policy
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
University of California, Irvine, California

Areas of Expertise

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Strategy
  • Technology and Innovation

Professional Activities

Curba Morris Lampert is the Knight Ridder Eminent Scholar Endowment Chair and Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Florida International University. Professor Lampert holds a Ph.D. in Management from the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin, an M.P.P. from the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Irvine.

Professor Lampert studies technology strategy and innovation, focusing on issues of knowledge management, value creation and appropriation, and entrepreneurship in the large corporation. Her current research examines barriers to imitation, corporate venture capital, and internal knowledge generation for complex problems. She has published articles in leading scholarly journals that include the Academy of Management Annals, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and the Strategic Management Journal. Her publications have garnered over 5,000 citations. Her research has received prestigious awards and grants from national institutions such as the Kauffman Foundation, as well as internationally, including the Best Paper Award, presented by the Strascheg Center for Impact in Innovation & Entrepreneurship (SCIIE) at the EBS Business School. Professor Lampert serves on the editorial board of the Strategic Management Journal, the strategy discipline’s flagship publication.

Professor Lampert teaches courses and seminars in strategy, entrepreneurship, international business, and health care management to executives, MBA students, and undergraduates. On 12 occasions, she received the MBA Teaching Award, an honor presented to one faculty member of the MBA program and voted on by the graduating cohort.

Professor Lampert leads in institution-building. At Florida International University, she served as the inaugural Faculty Fellow in Research Strategies for the College of Business. At Zayed University, she founded a Master of Management program for the College of Business. In her professional organizations, she has served as Track Chair at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting and on the All-Academy Theme (AAT) Committee of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. In addition, Professor Lampert has organized numerous plenary Showcase Panel sessions, Professional Development Workshop sessions, and symposia at the Academy of International Business (AIB), the Strategic Management Society (SMS), and the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meetings.

Professor Lampert regularly contributes her academic expertise to the practitioner audience, worldwide, and across a variety of industries. Her most recent engagement focuses on value-based health care with the Cleveland Clinic.

Courses Taught

  • Analysis Of Corp Pol
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship: New Business Development
  • Fundamentals of International Business
  • Global Start-ups
  • Global Strategy and Business Models
  • Master's Project in International Business
  • Master's Project in Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Strategy Development and Implementation


  • Thomason, B., Chawla, N., Gabriel, A., Greenberg, D., Lampert, C. M., Moergen, K., Sumpter, D., & Umphress, E.


    How Organizations Can Take a Lead in Protecting Reproductive Rights.

    MIT Sloan Management Review


  • Polidoro, F., Lampert, C. M., & Kim, M.


    External Knowledge Sourcing, Knowledge Spillovers and Internal Collaboration: The Effects of Intrafirm Linkages on Firm-University Co-Authorship Linkages.

    Strategic Management Journal

    , 43(13)


  • Lampert, C. M., Kim, M., & Polidoro, F.


    Branching and Anchoring: Complementary Asset Configurations in Conditions of Knightian Uncertainty.

    Academy of Management Review

    , 45(4)


  • Kim, M., Lampert, C. M., & Roy, R.


    Regionalization of R&D Activities: (Dis)economies of Interdependence and Inventive Performance.

    Journal of International Business Studies

    , 51(7)


  • Roy, R., Lampert, C. M., & Sarkar, M. B. (2019). The Pre-Commercialization Emergence of the Combination of Product Features in the Charge-Coupled Device Image Sensor. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 13(4).
  • Lampert, C. M., Kim, M., Hubbard, T., Roy, R., & Leckie, G. (2019). Fearlessly Swimming Upstream to Risky Waters: The Role of Geographic Entry in Innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 56(7).
  • Lampert, C. M., & Kim, M. (2019). Going Far to Go Further: Offshoring, Exploration, and R&D Performance. Journal of Business Research, 103.
  • Roy, R., Lampert, C. M., & Stoyneva, I. (2018). When Dinosaurs Fly: The Role of Firm Capabilities in the 'Avianization' of Incumbents during Disruptive Technological Change. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 12(2).
  • Ahuja, G., Lampert, C. M., & Tandon, V. (2014). Paradigm-Changing vs. Paradigm-Deepening Innovation: How Firm Scope Influences Firm Technological Response to Shocks. Organization Science, 25(3).
  • Ahuja, G., Lampert, C. M., & Novelli, E. (2013). The Second Face of Appropriability: Generative Appropriability and its Determinants. Academy of Management Review, 38(2).
  • Ahuja, G., Lampert, C. M., & Tandon, V. (2008). Moving Beyond Schumpeter: Management Research on the Determinants of Technological Innovation. Academy of Management Annals, 2.
  • Ahuja, G., & Lampert, C. M. (2001). Entrepreneurship in the Large Corporation: A Longitudinal Study of How Established Firms Create Breakthrough Inventions. Strategic Management Journal, 22(6-7).

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