College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 333
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3330
Email: miyazaki@fiu.edu
Anthony D. Miyazaki
Professor, Department of Marketing & Logistics
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 333
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3330
Email: miyazaki@fiu.edu
Ph.D. in Business Administration
University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Professional Activities
Anthony Miyazaki is a brand strategist, productivity evangelist, and marketing educator. He is a believer in smart work, hard work, and the value of tangible results. In addition to his career as a Professor of Marketing, he has served as the head of the FIU Department of Marketing and Logistics, the Executive Director of Marketing and Analytics for the FIU College of Business, as well as in several marketing roles in banking and B2B supply and services.
In his role as Executive Director of Marketing and Analytics for the FIU College of Business (February 2018 to May 2021), his first task was to direct the lead-generation marketing for all graduate programs as well as manage the centralized sales teams with a goal of increasing Fall 2018 enrollments by 5% over the previous year during a time when enrollments were expected to decrease. His teams delivered a 25% increase in graduate enrollments (906 vs. 723 the previous year). Spring 2019 enrollments increased an additional 5%+. They achieved these first-year results with a lower cost per acquisition over the previous year (including a $13,000+ savings per acquisition for the online MBA). His teams continued to increase enrollments, with over a 30% increase the following spring semester and further increases after that.
As the head of the FIU Department of Marketing and Logistics (January 2013 to August 2022), Anthony and his team achieved unprecedented growth, effectiveness, and efficiency. They created, refined, and developed their brands, and demonstrated their successes with considerable ROI. Early in his tenure as department head, he led the transformation from being the Department of Marketing to the Department of Marketing and Logistics by adding a logistics undergraduate degree. From there, the growth continued with the creation of additional (and more rigorous undergraduate certifications), the creation of the Master of Science in Marketing, the creation of the Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the creation of the nationally-recognized FIU Global Sales Lab, and the reinstatement of the marketing doctoral program. The MS in Marketing (MSM) is the only graduate degree in marketing that has a three-part focus on Digital Marketing, Brand Development, and Marketing Analytics. It has been ranked in the Top 10 in the U.S. for 5 years running. The MSLSCM has been ranked in the Top 10 as well.
Anthony often shares his thoughts on marketing, productivity, social media, branding, etc. on his YouTube channel (https://YouTube.com/AnthonyMiyazaki) and invites those interested in marketing to connect with him on LinkedIn.
Anthony has consulted over the years with both for-profit and non-profit organizations, with a focus on marketing research, strategic planning, digital marketing, and marketing information systems. Notable projects include research and strategic planning work involving BellSouth, Kodak, South Florida Blood Banks, KHI Engineering, and a National Geographic affiliate group.
He received his Ph.D. in marketing with a cognate in psychology in from the University of South Carolina. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing from the University of Utah. He previously was a marketing professor at the University of Miami where he taught strategic marketing management, market analysis, and strategic planning at the undergraduate, MBA, and executive MBA levels. He taught in a number of executive on-site programs at American Express, Office Depot, West Palm Beach, and Nassau, Bahamas,earning him the Excellence in Teaching Award from the University of Miami School of Business, as well as the university-wide UM Excellence in Teaching Award. He has continued his dedication to excellence in teaching at Florida International University with additional teaching awards. He was one of the first to teach in the FIU College of Business hybrid learning program which combines in-class learning with online learning, as well as one of the first to teach in the fully online program. He has published in a variety of academic journals including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Logistics, and Journal of Services Marketing.
Courses Taught
- Buyer Psychology and Behavior
- Consumer Behavior
- Current Issues in Marketing I
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Marketing Strategies
- Dissertation Preparation
- E-Marketing
- Global Logistics
- Graduate Business Internship
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- International Marketing
- Introduction to Marketing
- Marketing Internship
- Marketing Management in the Global Environment
- Marketing Strategy
- Marketing Yourself in Today's Competitive Job Mark
- Ph.D. Dissertation
- Promotion Strategy
- Seminar in Foundations of Marketing Thought
- Seminar in Marketing Theory
- Special Topics in Marketing
Lee J., Haderlie Jr T. C., Miyazaki A. D., & Lee Y.
Social class and conspicuous brand logo in gift choice.
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Lee J., Haderlie Jr T. C., Miyazaki A. D., & Lee Y.
Social class and conspicuous brand logo in gift choice.
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
- Hardesty, D. M., Goodstein, R. C., Grewal, D., Miyazaki, A. D., & Kopalle, P. (2014). The Accuracy of Scanned Prices. Journal of Retailing, 90(2).
- Taylor, K. A., Miyazaki, A. D., & Beale, K. M. (2013). Sex, youth and beauty: An analysis of advertising appeals targeting women of different age groups. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 34(2).
- Lwin, M. O., Miyazaki, A. D., Stanaland, A. J., & Lee, E. (2012). Online Usage Motive and Information Disclosure for Preteen Children. Young Consumers, 13(4).
- Stanaland, A. J., Lwin, M. O., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2011). Online privacy trustmarks: Enhancing the perceived ethics of digital advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 51(3).
- Featherman, M. S., Miyazaki, A. D., & Sprott, D. E. (2010). Reducing online privacy risk to facilitate e-service adoption: The influence of perceived ease of use and retailer credibility. Journal of Services Marketing, 24(3).
- Langenderfer, J., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2009). Privacy in the information economy. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 43(3).
- Miyazaki, A. D. (2009). Perceived ethicality of insurance claim fraud: Do higher deductibles lead to lower ethical standards? Journal of Business Ethics, 87(4).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Aguirre, R. A., & Langenderfer, J. (2009). Price, scarcity, and consumer willingness to purchase pirated media products. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 28(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Stanaland, A. J., & Lwin, M. O. (2009). Self-regulatory safeguards and the online privacy of preteen children: Implications for the advertising industry. Journal of Advertising, 38(4).
- Lwin, M., Stanaland, A., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2008). Protecting children’s privacy online: How parental mediation strategies affect website safeguard effectiveness. Journal of Retailing, 84(2).
- Miyazaki, A. D. (2008). Online privacy and the disclosure of cookie use: Effects on consumer trust and anticipated patronage. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 27(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., & Taylor, K. A. (2008). Researcher Interaction Biases and Business Ethics Research: Respondent Reactions to Researcher Characteristics. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(4).
- Barone, M. J., Norman, A. T., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2007). Consumer response to retailer use of cause related marketing: Is more fit better? Journal of Retailing, 83(4).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Lassar, W. M., & Taylor, K. A. (2007). Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic response to online self-service tasks: Implications for perceived quality and patronage intentions. Journal of Services Marketing, 21(7).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Grewal, D., & Goodstein, R. C. (2005). The Effect of Multiple Extrinsic Cues on Quality Perceptions: A Matter of Consistency. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(1).
- Pingol, L. L., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2005). Information Source Usage and Purchase Satisfaction: Implications for Product-Focused Print Media. Journal of Advertising Research, 45(1).
- Pingol, L. L., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2005). Information Source Usage and Purchase Satisfaction: Implications for Production-Focused Print Media. Journal of Advertising Research, 45(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D. (2003). The Psychology of Pricing on the Internet. Psychology & Marketing, 20(6).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Manning, K., & Sprott, D. (2003). Unit Price Usage Knowledge: Conceptualization and Empirical Assessment. Journal of Business Research, 56(5).
- Sprott, D. E., Brumbaugh, A. M., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2003). Motivation and Ability as Predictors of Play Behavior in State-Sponsored Lotteries: An Empirical Assessment of Psychological Control. Psychology & Marketing, 18(9).
- Sprott, D. E., Manning, K. C., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2003). Grocery Price Setting and Quantity Surcharges. Journal of Marketing, 67(July).
- Gopalkrishnan, I., Miyazaki, A. D., Grewal, D., & Giordano-Perrin, M. (2002). Linking Web- Based Segmentation to Pricing Tactics. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 11(5).
- Miyazaki, A. D., & Krishnamurthy, S. (2002). Internet Seals of Approval: Effects on Online Privacy Policies and Consumer Perceptions. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 36(1).
- Sprott, D. E., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2002). Two Decades of Contributions to Public Policy: An Analysis of Published Research in the Joutnal of Public Policy & Marketing. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 21(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., & Fernandez, A. (2001). Consumer Perceptions of Privacy and Security Risks for Online Shopping. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., & Morgan, A. G. (2001). Assessing Market Value of Event Sponsoring: Corporate Olympic Sponsorships. Journal of Advertising Research, 41(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Brumbaugh, A. M., & Sprott, D. E. (2001). Promoting and Countering Consumer Misconceptions of Random Events: The Case of Perceived Control and State-Sponsored Lotteries. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 20(2).
- Barone, M. J., Miyazaki, A. D., & Taylor, K. A. (2000). Does One Good Turn Deserve Another? Examining the Influence of Cause-Related Marketing Efforts on Consumer Choice. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2).
- Barone, M. J., Miyazaki, A. D., & Taylor, K. A. (2000). The Influence of Cause Related Marketing on Consumer Choice: Does One Good Turn Deserve Another? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2).
- Hansen, A., Miyazaki, A. D., & Sprott, D. E. (2000). The Tax Incidence of Lotteries: Evidence from Five States. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 34(2).
- Miyazaki, A. D., & Fernandez, A. (2000). Internet Privacy and Security: An Examination of Online Retailer Disclosures. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 19(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Sprott, D. E., & Manning, K. M. (2000). Unit Prices on Retail Shelf Labels: An Assessment of Information Prominence. Journal of Retailing, 76(1).
- Sand, G., & Miyazaki, A. D. (2000). The Impact of Social Support on Salesperson Burnout and Burnout Components. Psychology & Marketing, 17(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Langenderfer, J., & Sprott, D. (1999). Government Sponsored Lotteries: Exploring Purchase and Nonpurchase Motivations. Psychology & Marketing, 16(1).
- Miyazaki, A. D., Phillips, J., & Phillips, D. (1999). Twenty Years of JBL: An Analysis of Published Research. Journal of Business Logistics, 20(2).