Jae Hoon Lee

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 347A
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3314
Email: jaehlee@fiu.edu

Jae Hoon Lee

BMI Marketing Professorship

Doctoral Director of Marketing & Logistics

Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing & Logistics

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 347A
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3314
Email: jaehlee@fiu.edu


Ph.D. in Business Administration
The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas

Areas of Expertise

  • Consumer Psychology and Behavior

Professional Activities

Dr. Lee’s research mainly focuses on consumer psychology and behavior in the context of interpersonal relationships, self-threatening situations, and emerging technologies. His research has appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, and International Journal of Consumer Studies among others. He serves as a co-editor for Asia Marketing Journal, an editorial board member for the International Journal of Consumer Studies, and a reviewer for leading academic journals and conferences. He teaches at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. He has won various teaching and research awards. 

Courses Taught

  • Buyer Psychology and Behavior
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Dissertation Preparation
  • Doctoral Research in Marketing
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
  • Seminar in Consumer Behavior


  • Lee J., Haderlie Jr T. C., Miyazaki A. D., & Lee Y.


    Social class and conspicuous brand logo in gift choice.

    Journal of Consumer Behaviour

    , 23(4)


  • Jhang, J., Lee, D. C., Park, J., Lee, J., & Kim, J.


    The impact of childhood environments on the sunk-cost fallacy.

    Psychology & Marketing

    , 40(3)


  • Kim J., Lee J., & Kim J.


    Attraction and compromise effects under social exclusion.

    European Journal of Marketing

    , 57(8)


  • Lee, J., Park, J., Lee, J. C., Jhang, J., & Kim, J.


    The impact of infectious disease cues on visual pattern-seeking.

    International Journal of Advertising

    , 42(4)


  • Kim, J., Park, J., Lee, J., Kim, S., Gonzalez-Jimenez, H., Lee, J., Choi, Y., Lee, J. C., Jang, S., Franklin, D., Spence, M. T., & Marshall, R.


    COVID-19 and Extremeness Aversion: The Role of Safety Seeking in Travel Decision Making.

    Journal of Travel Research

    , 61(4)


  • Park, J., Kim, J., Jhang, J., Lee, J. C., & Lee, J.


    The impact of infectious disease threat on consumers' pattern-seeking in sequential choices.

    Psychology & Marketing

    , 39(2)


  • Lee, J., & Ko, G.


    In-Store Shopping Hassles: Conceptualization and Classification.

    International Journal of Consumer Studies


  • Cha, M., Yi, Y., & Lee, J.


    When People Low in Social Class Become a Persuasive Source of Communication: Social Class of Other Donors and Charitable Donations.

    Journal of Business Research


  • Han, B., Kim, M., & Lee, J.


    Exploring Consumer Attitudes and Purchasing Intentions of Cross-Border Online Shopping in Korea.

    Journal of Korea Trade

    , 22(2)


  • Lee, J.


    Can a Rude Waiter Make Your Food Less Tasty? Social Class Differences in Thinking Style and Carryover in Consumer Judgments.

    Journal of Consumer Psychology

    , 28(3)


  • Lee, J., Shrum, L. J., & Yi, Y.


    The Role of Cultural Communication Norms in Social Exclusion Effects.

    Journal of Consumer Psychology

    , 27(1)


  • Lee, J., & Shrum, L. J.


    Conspicuous Consumption versus Charitable Behavior in Response to Social Exclusion: A Differential Needs Explanation.

    Journal of Consumer Research


  • Shrum, L. J., Lee, J., Burroughs, J. E., & Rindfleisch, A.


    An Online Process Model of Second-Order Cultivation Effects: How Television Cultivates Materialism and Its Consequences for Life Satisfaction.

    Human Communication Research


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