College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 209A
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-8458
Email: mgupta@fiu.edu
Manjul Gupta
Doctoral Director for the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics
Ryder MIS Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair
Professor, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 209A
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-8458
Email: mgupta@fiu.edu
Ph.D. in Management Information Systems
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Courses Taught
- Business Analytics Applications
- Business Statistical Analysis
- Business Statistics and Analysis I
- DBA Dissertation
- Dissertation Preparation
- Foundations of Health Informatics & Analytics Admi
- Ph.D. Dissertation
- Quantitative Analytical Methods in Business
- Seminar on Research in Emerging Organizations
- Special Topics
Gupta M., & Gupta S.
The Role of National Culture: an Updated Framework for Cross-Cultural Research in Operations Management.
Production and Operations Management
Gupta, S., Deodhar, S. J., Tiwari, A. A., Gupta, M., & Mariani, M.
How consumers evaluate movies on online platforms? Investigating the role of consumer engagement and external engagement.
Journal of Business Research
Ghafoori, A., Gupta, M., Merhi, M. I., Gupta, S., & Shore, A. P.
Toward the role of organizational culture in data-driven digital transformation.
International Journal of Production Economics
Guha S., Upadhyay A. D., & Gupta M.
Understanding the impact of technology investments on financial performance among Latin American supply chains.
The International Journal of Logistics Management
Ghafoori A., Merhi M. I., Kadian A., Gupta M., & Ruan Y.
Augmented Reality Immersive Experience: A Study on The Effects of Individuals’ Big Five Personality Traits.
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
, 55()
Mikalef, P., Lemmer, K., Schaefer, C., Ylinen, M., Fjortoft, S. O., Torvatn, H. Y., Gupta, M., & Niehaves, B.
Examining how AI capabilities can foster organizational performance in public organizations.
Government Information Quarterly
George, J. F., Gupta, M., Giordano, G., Mills, A., Tennant, V., & Lewis, C.
Publishing the Data from "The Effects of Communication Mode and Culture on Deception Detection Accuracy.".
Journal of Information Systems
Di, V. A., Latif, B., Gunarathne, N., Gupta, M., & D'Adamo, I.
Digitalization and artificial knowledge for accountability in SCM: A systematic literature review.
Journal of Enterprise Information Management
, null(null)
George, J. F., Mills, A. M., Giordano, G., Gupta, M., Tennant, V. M., & Lewis, C. C.
Toward a Greater Understanding of the Use of Nonverbal Cues To Deception in Computer-Mediated Communication.
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
Gupta, M., Dennehy, D., Parra, C. M., Mäntymäki, M., & Dwivedi, Y.
Fake News Believability: The Effects of Political Beliefs and Espoused Cultural Values.
Information & Management
Cadden, T., McIvor, R., Cao, G., Treacy, R., Yang, Y., Gupta, M., & Onofrei, G.
Unlocking supply chain agility and supply chain performance through the development of intangible supply chain analytical capabilities.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Dubey, R., Gupta, M., Mikalef, P., & Akter, S.
Incorporating blockchain technology in information systems research.
Fosso, W. S., Dubey, R., Bryde, D. J., Foropon, C., & Gupta, M.
Bridging the research-practice gaps in supply chain management: lessons from COVID-19.
The International Journal of Logistics Management
Gupta, M., Gupta, A., & Cousins, K.
Toward the understanding of the constituents of organizational culture: The embedded topic modeling analysis of publicly available employee-generated reviews of two major US-based retailers.
Production and Operations Management
Gupta, M., Parra, C. M., & Dennehy, D.
Questioning Racial and Gender Bias in AI: Does Culture Matter?
Information Systems Frontiers
Gupta, M.
Social network behavior inappropriateness: the role of individual-level espoused national cultural values.
Information Technology and People
Mikalef, P., Lemmer, K., Schaefer, C., Ylinen, M., Fjørtoft, S. O., Torvatn, H. Y., Niehaves, B., & Gupta, M.
Enabling AI capabilities in government agencies: A study of determinants for European municipalities.
Government Information Quarterly
Parra, C. M., Gupta, M., & Cadden, T.
Towards an Understanding of Remote Work Exhaustion: A Study on the Effects of Individuals’ Big Five Personality Traits.
Journal of Business Research
Mikalef, P., & Gupta, M.
Artificial Intelligence Capability: Conceptualizing and Developing a Construct.
Information and Management
Gupta, M., Parra, C. M., & Dennehy, D.
Likelihood of Questioning AI-Generated Recommendations Due to Perceived Racial/Gender Bias in the U.S.
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society
Gupta, M., Parra, C. M., & Mennecke, B.
Robust Analytics.
Cutter Business Technology Journal
Gupta, M., Shoja, A., & Mikalef, P.
Toward the understanding of national culture in the success of non?pharmaceutical technological interventions in mitigating COVID-19 pandemic.
Annals of Operations Research
Parra, C. M., Gupta, M., & Mikalef, P.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-Enabled Severe Moral Communities And How The Pandemic Might Bring New Ones.
International Journal of Information Management
Salcedo, E., & Gupta, M.
The Effects of National Cultural Values on Individuals’ Willingness to Use Blockchain-based Currencies.
International Journal of Information Management
- Gupta, M., Parra, C. M., & Salcedo, E. (2020). Exploring Attitudes Towards Cryptocurrencies as an Alternative Digital Payment System in the U.S. and India. Cutter IT Journal.
- Gupta, M., & Gupta, S. (2019). Influence of National Cultures on Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Practices – A research Agenda. Production and Operations Management, 28(11).
- Gupta, M., Esmaeil Zadeh, P., Uz, I., & Tennant, V. (2019). The effects of national cultural values on individuals' intention to participate in peer-to-peer sharing economy. Journal of Business Research, 97.
- Gupta, M., George, J. F., & Xia, W. (2019). Relationships between IT department culture and agile software development practices: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Information Management, 44.
- LeRouge, C. M., Gupta, M., Corpart, G., & Arrieta, A. (2019). Health System Approaches Are Needed To Expand Telemedicine Use Across Nine Latin American Nations. Health Affairs, 38(2).
- George, J., Gupta, M., Giordano, G., Mills, A., Tennant, V., & Lewis, C. (2018). The Effects of Communication Media and Culture on Deception Detection Accuracy. MIS Quarterly, 42(2).
- Gupta, M., Uz, I. M., Esmaeil Zadeh, P., Noboa, F., Mahrous, A., Kim, E., . . . Kulikova, I. (2018). Do cultural norms affect social network behavior inappropriateness? A global study. Journal of Business Research, 85.
- McHaney, R., George, J. F., & Gupta, M. (2018). An Exploration of Deception Detection: Are Groups More Effective Than Individuals? Communication Research, 45(8).
- Kim, E., Tang, L. R., Meusel, C., & Gupta, M. (2018). Optimization of menu-labeling formats to drive healthy dining: An eye tracking study. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 70.
- Marett, K., George, J. F., Lewis, C. C., Gupta, M., & Giordano, G. (2017). Beware the dark side: Cultural preferences for lying online. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 75.
- Scheibe, K. P., & Gupta, M. (2017). The Effect of Socializing via Computer-mediated Communication on the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Creativity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 40.
- Gupta, M., & George, J. F. (2016). Toward the development of a big data analytics capability. INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT, 53.