College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 429
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-4565
Orhun Guldiken
Doctoral Director for the Department of International Business
Associate Professor, Department of International Business
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 429
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-4565
Ph.D. in Business Administration
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
Professional Activities
Orhun Guldiken, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and Doctoral Program Director in the Department of International Business at the College of Business at Florida International University. His research interests in strategic management include corporate governance and top management teams and his research interests in international business include international strategy and international entrepreneurship. His research has been published or forthcoming in journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Strategic Organization, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of World Business. His research is also being for resubmission at journals such as Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. His research has been cited around 700 times on Google Scholar Citation Index.
He received several research awards, including Academy of Management Best Paper award as well as the runner-up Best Paper Award from Journal of World Business. He serves on the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business and Journal of Business Research and received a Best Reviewer award from Journal of Management and Journal of World Business. He also serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for several journals such as Organization Science and Journal of International Business Studies.
He earned his Ph.D. in Strategic Management and International Business from Old Dominion University and has previously served on the faculty at the O’Malley School of Business at Manhattan University for two years before joining Florida International University as an assistant professor in 2018.
Courses Taught
- Advanced Management Research
- Dissertation Prep
- Doc Res In Bus Admin
- Global Megatrends, Geopolitics, & Political Econom
- Global Strategy and Business Models
- Ib Operations I
- International Management
- MNC Strategy
- Strategic Management
Guldiken O., Abdurakhmonov M., Xu L., & Sim D.
Short selling and lobbying: A longitudinal examination from 2008-2018.
Journal of Business Research
Benischke, M., Guldiken, O., Doh, J., Martin, G., & Zhang, Y.
Towards a behavioral theory of MNC response to political risk and uncertainty: The role of CEO wealth at risk.
Journal of World Business
Cheng, X., Guldiken, O., & Shi, W.
<span style="font-size:11pt;color:#333333;">Geographic Concentration of Institutional Blockholders and Workplace Safety Violations</span>.
Journal of Business Ethics
Mallon, M., Guldiken, O., Benischke, M., Dong, F., & Nguyen, T.
Is there an advantage of emergingness? A politico-regulatory perspective.
International Business Review
Nair, A., Khoobdeh, M. S., Oksoy, A., Guldiken, O., & Willis, C. H.
A review of strategic management research in India.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
- Guldiken, O., Mallon, M., Fainshmidt, S., Judge, W. Q., & Clark, C. (2019). Beyond tokenism: How strategic leaders influence more meaningful gender diversity on boards of directors. Strategic Management Journal.
- Tupper, C. H., Guldiken, O., & Benischke, M. (2018). Overcoming liability of foreignness for IPO firms. Journal of World Business, 53(4).
- Guldiken, O., Fainshmidt, S., & Adam, S. (2017). How do resource flows affect organizational performance? A configurational examination. Strategic Organization, 15(4).
- Guldiken, O., Tupper, C., Nair, A., & Yu, H. (2017). The impact of media coverage on IPO stock performance. Journal of Business Research, 72.
- Guldiken, O., & Darendeli, I. (2016). Too much of a good thing: Board monitoring and R&D investments. Journal of Business Research, 69(8).
- White, G. O., Guldiken, O., Hemphill, T. A., & Khoobdeh, M. S. (2016). Trends in international strategic management research from 2000 to 2013: Text mining and bibliometric analyses. Management International Review, 56(1).
- Guldiken, O. (2015). Investment horizon of institutional investors and financial restatement likelihood. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.