College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 463
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-1102
Email: rgajendr@fiu.edu
Ravi S. Gajendran
Alvah Chapman Eminent Scholar Endowment Chair
Chair, Department of Global Leadership and Management
Professor, Department of Global Leadership and Management
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 463
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-1102
Email: rgajendr@fiu.edu
Ph.D. in Business Administration
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Professional Activities
Dr. Ravi Gajendran is Professor and Alvah Chapman Eminent Scholar Endowment Chair in the Global Leadership and Management Department (GLAM) at Florida International University.
He is also the Department Chair of the Global Leadership and Management Department. He received his PhD in Organizational Behavior from Pennsylvania State University. Before entering the doctoral program at Penn State, he had a career in sales and marketing for over seven years working for multinationals such as Cadbury’s and Procter & Gamble. Prior to joining FIU, Ravi was on the faculty of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he featured on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for every year he taught there. At FIU, he has taught courses on organizational behavior, leadership, and human resource management at PhD, MBA, and undergraduate levels. He has won multiple teaching awards at FIU including Faculty Excellence and Course Excellence Awards.
His areas of research expertise include remote work, virtual teams, impacts of communication technology, leadership, and human capital development. He is a member of the editorial board of three top-tier journals: Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Management. Dr. Gajendran is the recipient of research awards from the Academy of Management including the Best Student Paper Award (2006) and the DeSanctis Award for Best Paper based on a Dissertation (2012).
He is a well-recognized expert in the area of remote work and his research has been featured in several public policy documents and prominent media outlets including New York Times, USA Today, Fox Business News, Entrepreneur.com, Inc.com, and Forbes. His research has been cited by the Report to Congress on the Status of Federal Telecommuting Arrangements. In addition to publishing his research in top-tier journals, he has also written articles for managers that have been published in Harvard Business Review and Business Today.
Courses Taught
- Dissertation Prep
- Doc Res In Bus Admin
- Graduate Business Internship
- Human Resource Analytics
- Human Resource Strategy and Planning
- Management Internship I
- Management Internship II
- Org Behav Mgmt
- Organization Design and Behavior
- Organizational Analysis
- Organizational Behavior
- Ph.D. Dissertation
Gajendran, R., Ponnapalli, A., Wang, C., & Javalagi, A.
A dual pathway model of remote work intensity: A meta-analysis of its simultaneous positive and negative effects.
Hong, W., Zhang, L., & Gajendran, R.
Relative status and dyadic help seeking and giving: The roles of past helping history and power distance value.
Human Relations
Gajendran, R., Loewenstein, J., Choi, H., & Ozgen Novelli, S.
Hidden Costs of Text-Based Electronic Communication on Complex Reasoning Tasks: Motivation Maintenance and Impaired Downstream Performance .
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Gajendran, R., Corwin, E., Simon, L., Rosen, C., & Ozgen Novelli, S.
Giving Negative Feedback Can Make Empathetic Leaders Less Effective.
Harvard Business Review
Gajendran, R., Mistry, S., & Tangirala, S.
Managing Your Boss (MYB) as a Proactive Followership Behavior: Construct Validation and Theory Development.
Personnel Psychology
Rosen, C., Simon, L., Gajendran, R., Ozgen-Novelli, S., & Corwin, E.
Pain or gain? Understanding how trait empathy impacts leader effectiveness following the provision of negative feedback.
Journal of Applied Psychology
Sherf, E. N., Gajendran, R. S., & Posner, B. Z.
Seeking and finding justice: Why and when managers' feedback seeking enhances justice enactment.
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Kramer, A., Cho, S., & Gajendran, R.
12-Year longitudinal study linking within-person changes in work and family transitions and workplace injury risk.
Journal of Safety Research
- Rosen, C., Simon, L., Gajendran, R., Johnson, R., Lee, H., & Lin, S. (2019). Boxed In by Your Inbox: Implications of Daily Email Demands for Managers' Leadership Behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(1).
- Golden, T., & Gajendran, R. (2019). Unpacking the Role of a Telecommuter's Job in Their Performance: Examining Job Complexity, Problem Solving, Interdependence, and Social Support. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34(1).
- Sherf, E. N., Venkataramani, V., & Gajendran, R. (2019). Too busy to be fair? The effect of workload and rewards on managers' justice rule adherence. Academy of Management Journal.
- Sherf, E., Gajendran, R., & Venkataramani, V. (2018). Research: When Managers Are Overworked, They Treat Employees Less Fairly. Harvard Business Review.
- Hong, W., & Gajendran, R. S. (2018). Explaining Dyadic Expertise Use in Knowledge Work Teams: An Opportunity-Ability-Motivation Perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(6).
- Raghuram, S., Gajendran, R., Liu, X., & Somaya, D. (2016). Examining LMX's Enduring Impact on Alumni Career Outcomes and Attitudes Toward their Former Organization. Personnel Psychology, 70(2).
- Gajendran, R. S., & Somaya, D. (2016). Employees Leave Good Bosses Nearly As Often As Bad Bosses. Harvard Business Review.
- Gajendran, R., Harrison, D. A., & Delaney?Klinger, K. (2015). Are Telecommuters Remotely Good Citizens? Unpacking Telecommuting's Effects on Performance via I-Deals and Job Resources. Personnel Psychology, 68(2).
- Gajendran, R., & Joshi, A. (2012). Innovation in Globally Distributed Teams: The Role of LMX, Communication Frequency, and Member Influence on Team Decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(6).
- Gajendran, R., & Harrison, D. A. (2007). The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown About Telecommuting: Meta-Analysis of Psychological Mediators and Individual Consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(6).
- Bhattacherjee, D., Sridharan, J., & Gajendran, R. (1998). Top Management Remuneration and Firm Performance: An Exploratory Analysis. Economic and Political Weekly, 33(9).