Abhijit Barua

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 342
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3404
Email: baruaa@fiu.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Abhijit Barua

Doctoral Director, School of Accounting

Professor, School of Accounting

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 342
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3404
Email: baruaa@fiu.edu

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. in Business Administration
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Master of Business Administration
University of Dhaka, Ramna, Bangladesh

Master of Commerce in Accounting
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Areas of Expertise

  • Teaching in Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting

Professional Activities

Dr. Abhijit Barua is a Professor in the School of Accounting (SOA) at Florida International University (FIU). Professor Barua has been serving as the faculty director of the Accounting Ph.D. program since 2012. He also served as the director of the Center for Accounting, Auditing and Tax Studies (CAATS) from 2012 to 2020.

Dr. Barua’s primary area of research interest is financial reporting, where he focuses on earnings management and financial reporting quality. His secondary area of research interest is corporate governance and auditing. His research published in top accounting journals including The Accounting Review and Journal of Accounting and Economics. His other research papers have been published in Accounting Horizons, Journal of Accounting and Public PolicyJournal of Business Finance and Accounting, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, Managerial Auditing Journal, Research in Accounting Regulation, and The CPA Journal. He has collaborated with multiple colleagues, both within and outside FIU, and with doctoral students. 

Professor Barua teaches undergraduate, masters and doctoral classes. He has received three teaching awards including two “Best Faculty” awards and one “most dedicated faculty” award at FIU. He teaches a doctoral seminar course on Accounting Research Methods on Capital Markets. He also teaches Accounting for Managers and Financial Reporting and Analysis for MBA classes, Evaluation of Financial Reports, Business Analysis and Valuation course for MS in Accounting students.

Professor Barua received his Ph.D. in Accounting from Louisiana State University in 2006. He also has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Accounting, and an MBA degree with a major in Finance. Before joining academia, he worked for Procter & Gamble (P&G) for two and a half years in different areas of corporate financial and managerial accounting.

Courses Taught

  • Accounting for Decisions
  • Accounting for Managers
  • Accounting Research Methods on Capital Markets
  • Dissertation Preparation
  • Environment of Accounting and Auditing
  • Evaluation of Financial Reports, Business Analysis and Valuation
  • Financial Accounting I
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
  • Standards and Principles of Financial Accounting


  • Barua A., Kim J., & Yi S.


    Earnings management through financing activities: Evidence from early debt extinguishments.

    Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance

    , 33()


  • Zhao, F., Barua, A., & Kim, J.


    Consolidation of off-balance sheet entities and investment efficiency.

    Accounting Research Journal

    , 35(3)


  • Barua, A., Lennox, C., & Raghunandan, A. (2020). Are audit fees discounted in initial year audit engagements? Journal of Accounting and Economics, 69(2-3).
  • Barua, A., Hossain, M., & Rama, D. (2019). Financial versus operating liability leverage and audit fees. International Journal of Auditing, 23(2).
  • Lobanova, O., Barua, A., Mishra, S., & Prakash, A. J. (2019). Informativeness of Earnings in Dual-Class Firms: An Empirical Investigation of the Quality of Earnings and the Information Environment. Review of Accounting and Finance, 18(3).
  • Barua, A., & Kim, J. H. (2017). Reporting Order of Financial Statements in SEC Filings: Evidence from 10-K Filings of S&P 500 Entities. Research in Accounting Regulation, 29(2).
  • Barua, A., Raghunandan, K., & Rama, D. V. (2017). Shareholder Votes on Auditor Ratification and Subsequent Auditor Changes. Accounting Horizons, 31(1).
  • Barua, A. (2013). Early extinguishment of debt: Rational debt management or earnings management? The CPA Journal, 83(5).
  • Barua, A., & Smith, A. L. (2013). SEC enforcement releases and audit fees. Managerial Auditing Journal, 28(2).
  • Singhvi, M., Rama, D. V., & Barua, A. (2013). Market Reactions to Departures of Audit Committee Directors. Accounting Horizons, 27(1).
  • Barua, A., & Lin, S. (2010). Earnings management using discontinued operations. The Accounting Review, 85(5).
  • Barua, A., Davidson, L. F., Rama, D. V., & Thiruvadi, S. (2010). CFO gender and accruals quality. Accounting Horizons, 24(1).
  • Barua, A., Rama, D. V., & Sharma, V. (2010). Audit committee characteristics and investment in internal auditing. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 29(5).
  • Barua, A., Wheatley, C. M., & Yan, Y. (2010). Internal control opinions and auditor resignations. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 2(2).
  • Fan, Y., Barua, A., Cready, W. M., & Thomas, W. B. (2010). Managing earnings using classification shifting: Evidence from quarterly special items. The Accounting Review, 85(4).
  • Tanyi, P., Raghunandan, K., & Barua, A. (2010). Audit report lags after voluntary and involuntary auditor changes. Accounting Horizons, 24(4).
  • Barua, A., Legoria, J., & Moffitt, J. S. (2006). Accruals management to achieve earnings benchmarks: A comparison of pre-managed profit and loss firms. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 33(5-6).

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