Unicorn Entrepreneurs

Have you ever wondered how entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg built their empires? The answer may surprise you: they didn't rely on early-stage venture capital.

In fact, 94% of billion-dollar entrepreneurs used a different approach, focusing on smart financing, strategic skills, and a deep understanding of their market.

Join us for introductory webinars and in-depth workshops designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to grow your venture without relying on venture capital:

Introductory Webinars

  • Introduction to U-Entrepreneurship: Uncover why Unicorn-Entrepreneurs succeed without VC. Learn the paths they take, the pivotal moments, steps for a successful launch, and the critical skills required for success.
    • Tuesday, August 27 at 12 noon or 6 PM ET

  • Introduction to Smart Venture Financing: Learn the 5 steps to finding the right financing for your venture.
    • Wednesday, August 28 at 12 noon or 6 PM ET

  • Cost: $20 for both webinars

  • Register Now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unlocking-the-secrets-of-unicorn-entrepreneurs-webinars-tickets-820116409257

In-Depth Workshops

These workshops provide you with the advanced strategies and tactical skills used by the most successful entrepreneurs.

  • Unicorn Entrepreneurship Workshop: Master the exact business models, finance strategies, and launch tactics used by billion-dollar entrepreneurs who avoided early-stage VC.
    • Learn: How to identify unicorn opportunities, craft winning business strategies, secure financing without losing control, and successfully launch your venture.
    • Evening Sessions (3 hours each): Sept. 10, 11, 17, 18 at 6 PM ET
    • Midday Sessions (3 hours each): Oct. 8, 9, 15, 16 at 12 noon ET

  • Smart Venture Financing Workshop: Understand the full spectrum of financing options, learn how to structure deals, and negotiate terms to fuel your growth while retaining control.
    • Learn: Financial basics for non-finance entrepreneurs, the different types of financing structures, equity financing options, and how to use financing strategically for growth.
    • Evening Sessions (3 hours each): Sept. 24, 25, Oct. 1, 2 at 6 PM ET
    • Midday Sessions (3 hours each): Oct. 22, 23, 29, 30 at 12 noon ET

Flexible Online Schedule: We offer both evening and midday Zoom sessions to accommodate your schedule.

Cost: $350 per workshop, or $650 for both

View Full Schedule & Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unlocking-the-secrets-of-unicorn-entrepreneurs-workshops-tickets-945143057327

Led by Dr. Dileep Rao, a seasoned entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and author, these webinars and workshops will empower you to make informed decisions and take your venture to new heights.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best!