Experiential Immersion

Experiential Immersion by Deepak Ohri is a second program codesigned and cocreated by Deepak Ohri, CEO of lebua Hotels and Resorts and Executive in Residence at Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center, and Anna Pietraszek, Director of Global Operations and Fellow in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. After a successful Luxury Incubator MBA course, Ohri and Pietraszek created a brand-new program in experiential learning for 15 faculty members from various U.S. higher institutions that traveled to Thailand.

Ohri is a luxury hospitality industry ambassador and global luxury leader. He is an award-winning entrepreneur and a celebrated speaker and has been honored by numerous international organizations for his visionary leadership. The International Hospitality Institute named Ohri among the 100 Most Powerful People in Global Hospitality.

Deepak Ohri introduced Thailand by immersing the participants in various experiences, from the Michelin-star dining experience to the spiritual experience in the Wat Pho Temple. The main concept was to understand the Thai way of living and what happiness is. The highlight of the program was the private audience with Phra Debvajarcarya, the monk, who explained Buddhism and Thai spiritual culture and why Thai people always smile even through difficult times.

During the program, Deepak Ohri discussed the concept of de-marketing and happiness with Prof. Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing. The webinar was moderated by Luis Gallardo (President of the Happiness Foundation)

Deepak Ohri and Anna Pietraszek are preparing the next experiential learning program that will take the participants to discover Antarctica.

More information coming soon.