Education and Employment

Why your Business Needs Employees with a DBA Degree


The Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) degree is rapidly becoming the de facto standard for demonstrating excellence in skill level in the business world. That said, many employers do not understand the nature of the DBA degree and, more importantly, why they should seek to employ people with the DBA degree.

First, let’s briefly explain the DBA degree and how it differs from the more traditional PhD in Business Administration. The following table should answer most of the questions:


Traditional PhD in Business

Doctorate in Business Administration

Research Orientation

Focused on developing new theoretical knowledge and conducting original research.

Focused on applying existing theories and research findings to solve real-world problems facing the business community.

Career Orientation

Prepares graduates for careers in academia, such as university professors and academic researchers.

Allows business professionals to enhance their research, practical, and leadership skills within their chosen business domain.

Focus on Theory

Emphasizes the development and testing of theories to contribute to the academic body of knowledge.

Emphasizes applying existing knowledge and theories to practical challenges facing a wide variety of business domains.

Dissertation Focus

A highly detailed, scientifically rigorous, original research project intended to advance theoretical knowledge and understanding in a specific business discipline.

A highly detailed, scientifically rigorous, original research project intended to apply existing knowledge and theories to solve problems and challenges regardless of business domain.

See the difference? PhDs develop and scientifically test new theories, while DBAs use existing theories to determine the best solution to business problems and challenges scientifically. Both place a high premium on scientific rigor and evidence-based solutions. Now, the question becomes, “Why do I need DBAs in my organization?”

Employers can realize gains in several areas of importance from having employees with a DBA degree.

  • DBA graduates possess deep knowledge and expertise in business and management theories. They can apply this knowledge to address complex business challenges, improve processes, and drive organizational innovation. 
  • DBA programs emphasize research, critical thinking, and analytical skills. DBA graduates are trained to conduct high-level research and data analysis, which helps organizations make informed, evidence-based decisions. 
  • DBA graduates are trained in strategic planning and problem-solving, allowing them to contribute to their organization’s long-term success and adaptability in highly competitive business markets. 
  • The top DBA degree programs include advanced leadership and organizational behavior courses, equipping graduates with the skills to lead teams effectively, manage change, and inspire innovation. 
  • With a strong focus on applying theory to real-world problems, DBA graduates are skilled in developing innovative solutions that can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance.
  • Employees with a DBA degree bring credibility to the organization. Their advanced credentials can enhance the company’s reputation, attract high-caliber clients, and give it a competitive edge in the marketplace. 
  • DBA programs often involve collaborative projects and networking opportunities. Graduates bring these connections and the ability to work effectively in diverse teams, enriching the organization’s collaborative potential. 
  • The rigorous training in a DBA program prepares graduates to adapt to and lead in rapidly changing business environments, a valuable asset in today’s dynamic economy. 
  • DBA graduates can mentor junior staff, fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development within the organization.

There are likely more benefits to the organization than the nine listed above. Suffice it to say that organizations – large or small, in any business domain, including for-profit, non-profit, educational, and government, can realize significant benefits by hiring employees with a DBA degree and encouraging top employees to pursue the DBA degree. Employees with a DBA degree can materially and consistently contribute to an organization’s success through their expertise, strategic insight, and leadership capabilities, making them a valuable asset to any employer.