Minor in Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics

 Open to all students except those major in Marketing or pursuing the certificate in Social Media and Digital Marketing Analytics.

As e-marketing and social media changed the way companies, organizations, and individuals do business, your skills and competencies must keep pace. Regardless of major or academic background, you’ll need to be comfortable sharing and communicating in these core channels now and going forward.

The Minor in Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics prepares you to leverage social media and e-marketing to engage customers, communicate and deliver value, enhance skills needed to gain meaningful employment, and apply analytical tools for better decision-making with respect to social media and online marketing.

This minor is ideal for all students, regardless of major. You’ll learn updated fundamentals about online marketing and social media strategies to help you plan, communicate, and measure results more effectively.

Required Courses

  • MAR 3023 Introduction to Marketing - GL (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • MAR 4733 Digital Marketing (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • MAR 4233 Social Media and e-Marketing Design (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • MAR 4674 Marketing Analytics (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Deadline to make major changes or add minor(s)/certificate(s)

Admit TermApplication DeadlineDeposit Deadline
Spring 2025November 8, 2024December 10, 2024
Summer A/C 2025March 4, 2025April 15, 2025
Summer B 2025March 4, 2025May 15, 2025
Fall 2025June 26, 2025July 29, 2025
Spring 2026November 18, 2025December 10, 2025


 12 Credit Hours
 Students must earn a grade of "C" or higher in each course to earn the minor designation.
 Minors will be awarded at graduation along with your major degree.