Application & Requirements

Our Professional MBA (PMBA) Online candidates are highly motivated professionals intent on reaching that next level of leadership success. Admissions decisions can be quite competitive. Admission to the PMBA Online program is based on a variety of factors and will be evaluated holistically. Our admissions team carefully screens each application to ensure candidates are an optimal fit for the program demands and objectives.

We encourage you to meet with a member of our recruitment team to review the program, your academic and professional goals, and how our program can help you achieve them. To schedule a personal meeting, please call us at 305-779-7880.

Application Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the PMBA Online program, applicants must:

  • Show high promise of success in graduate studies
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university
  • In general, have a minimum upper division grade point average of 3.0
  • Provide a professional resume and statement of purpose
  • Optional GMAT or GRE

A brief summary of our admission requirements is available for download.

*Admissions at the graduate level are competitive and meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the PMBA Online program.

Application Deadlines

We are currently accepting applications! Apply Now!

Start TermApplication DeadlineLast day to submit all Supplementary Materials
March 24March 10March 17
June 2May 19May 26
August 18August 4August 11

Application Process

  • STEP 1: Apply for the program

    To apply for the program:

    • Complete the online application form for the Professional MBA Online program.
    • We encourage you to submit the online application form prior to having all of your supplementary materials. You may submit supplementary materials such as your essay, recommendations, and test scores after submitting the online application form. We prefer that you send us your supplementary materials directly rather than uploading them onto the online application.
    • Pay a $30 application fee. Most major credit cards are accepted. Checks or money orders are also accepted and should be made payable to Florida International University.
  • STEP 2: Submit all materials

    Applicants should submit their supplementary materials electronically to Official documents, such as transcripts and test scores, should be sent to:

    FIU – Chapman Graduate School of Business
    Attention: Professional MBA Online
    Florida International University
    11200 SW 8th Street, CBC 200
    Miami, Florida 33199

    Below please find the supplementary materials required to complete your application:

    1. Resume detailing your professional experiences to specify employment dates, nature of positions (full-time/part-time/internships), and duties or responsibilities; as well as educational history and dates of earned degrees.
    2. OfficialTranscriptsfrom all previously attended universities. These must be original transcripts in a sealed envelope from the degree-granting institution.
      • If your official transcripts are not in English, you must submit translated transcripts. Ask your university to provide two original transcripts. The first set of transcripts must remain in the sealed envelope. The second set of transcripts should be sent to an official translation company for translation.  Please note that FIU accepts transcript and diploma translations only, and all evaluations of official academic records are to be performed by FIU staff only. Some suggested agencies are found on the University Graduate School website.
    3. English Proficiency Exam Scores

      Applicants who hold an undergraduate or graduate degree from non-English speaking countries must demonstrate English proficiency by taking either:

      • Duolingo (minimum score is 110)
      • TOEFL (minimum scores are: 550 paper-based, 213 computer-based, and 80 internet-based)
      • IELTS (minimum score is 6.5)

      Test scores are considered official when sent by the testing center directly to our school. When requesting the official scores, please refer to the Florida International University Institution code 5206.

    4. Statement of Purpose should be a one (1)- to two (2)-page essay describing your professional goals and reasons for pursuing the MBA at Florida International University. You may also choose one of the following prompts:
      • Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems, or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today.
      • Of FIU's core values [creativity, rigor, diversity, team, integrity, and global community], which value resonates most with you and why?
      • Give us insight into an entrepreneurial endeavor you spearheaded or were a key contributor to.
    5. Two (2) Recommendation Letters from employers, faculty or professional associates (optional)
    6. Proof of Florida Residency or US Citizenship as outlined below:
    Type of Citizenship/Residency StatusDocumentation Required
    Native-born U.S. CitizenNo residency documents required
    Naturalized U.S. CitizenCopy of passport
    Lawful Permanent U.S. ResidentCopy of permanent resident card
    Florida ResidentsTwo proofs of residency. Documents must be dated one year prior to the term you are seeking admissions. For a list of acceptable documents please visit the Florida Residency for Tuition page.

    Please note that on a case-by-case basis the admissions committee may request additional materials such as but not limited to:

    1. Employment Verification to establish professional experience for any position listed on your resume.
    2. GMAT or GRE for consideration.
    3. Interview with the admissions committee for consideration.
  • STEP 3: Check application status

    Upon submitting your application, a member of our recruitment team will reach out to you within two (2) business days. For an update on your application, please reach out to us at 305.348.0148 or e-mail us at