Important Dates
The University Academic Calendar provides the dates and deadlines established across the university for course registration, enrollment, tuition payment, holidays and more. Students are responsible to check the academic calendar regularly to ensure they meet the appropriate deadlines, and to avoid course registration delays, or any late fees/penalties.
*The MSIS classes start and end dates may differ from those posted on the University Academic Calendar. Please view the MSIS program schedule for official class dates.
Course Enrollment
How to Register for Classes
You will be registered for all your courses by the program administration prior to the beginning of each term, according to the program schedule. Once registered you will receive a confirmation email, confirming your registration for the appropriate courses as according to the program schedule.
Students with any existing holds on their account, including but not limited to residency, immunization, or insurance holds, will not be registered for the term.
To check your holds, please visit
*First-time users, please use your date of birth as your default password (DDMonYYYY). For example, if you were born April 20, 1998 your password is 20Apr1998.
Program Schedule, Books & Materials
The MSIS program is a cohort-based, hybrid program. You will complete 11 courses, taken in a pre-determined order and with the same group of students. Most semesters consist of two terms that each run on an 8-week schedule, with one or two courses offered simultaneously per term.
You will also complete three mandatory Professional Development Seminars, designed to focus on building soft skills such as leadership, team building, presentation skills, and career exploration. You also have a chance to complete the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification while in the program.
Access to the MSIS Program Schedules here.
View Course Descriptions here.
*Dates provided are tentative and subject to change.
Professional Development Seminars
Students must also complete all Professional Development Seminars, designed to focus on building soft skills such as leadership, team building, presentation skills, and career exploration. Students will also have a chance to complete the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification while in the program.
Assurance of Learning Assessment
The Assurance of Learning (AoL) is an online exit assessment administered during the final semester of the program. Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral students are expected to demonstrate certain student learning outcomes, and this exam assists with the assessment of these competencies. The purpose of AoL is to ensure that the College of Business is transparent and accountable to its accreditors and constituencies and to assist the College and its faculty to enhance program outcomes and to improve student learning.
The objectives and outcomes we want our students to accomplish also will enable faculty to ensure relevancy and currency of the curriculum, improve the quality of instruction and by extension, student learning. We do this by continuously finding innovative ways to improve student learning and achievement.
To make sure that we delivering on these promises, we have devoted to the Assurance of Learning initiative that will require students to demonstrate before graduation, evidence of foundational knowledge, expertise and skills acquired, that we have identified as "overarching learning objectives" and "specific learning outcomes"-for your cumulative graduate student experience.
Books and other Class Materials
You are responsible for purchasing books and other class materials before the first day of class. The course syllabi will be shared prior to the beginning of each term, or as soon as it is released by faculty.
The FIU Bookstore website has a search feature that allows you to find the textbook requirements for your upcoming courses, prior to the beginning of the semester. You must complete the search form by entering the campus, term, department, course and section information. This information is included on the course schedule referenced above.