Ochieng F. Walumbwa

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 446
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-4982
Email: owalumbw@fiu.edu

Ochieng F. Walumbwa

Knight Ridder Byron Harless Eminent Scholar Chair

Chair, Department of International Business

Professor, Department of International Business

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 446
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-4982
Email: owalumbw@fiu.edu


Ph.D. in Human Resources and Industrial Relations
University of Illinois at Urbana, Urbana, Illinois

Master of Education
University of Illinois at Urbana, Urbana, Illinois

Areas of Expertise

  • Cross-cultural issues in management
  • Leadership development and ethics in organizations
  • Positive organizational behavior and scholarship

Professional Activities

Dr. Fred O. Walumbwa received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is a professor and the Knight-Ridder Byron Harless Endowed Eminent Scholar Chair in Management at Florida International University (FIU) in the College of Business’ Department of International Business. 

Dr. Walumbwa’s main research focuses on understanding how effective leaders emerge, evolve and develop, and how different clusters of leadership behaviors (i.e., positive forms of leadership such as authentic, ethical, servant and transformational leadership and the dark side of leadership such as destructive leadership or abusive supervision) enhance or inhibit climates more open to corporate, work unit and employee citizenship and proactive behaviors, engagement, fairness, learning, thriving, voicing, creativity/innovation, knowledge sharing, and withdrawal behaviors across cultures. His secondary research focuses on how organizations create competitive advantage through the use and development of various human resource practices and strategies such as high-performance work systems and psychological capital, and the role of organizational contexts such as social networks and organizational climate, culture, and justice in facilitating effective organizational functioning across cultures.

Dr. Walumbwa has published over 100 papers, including over 70 refereed research articles in a wide range of prestigious journals in business, management and psychology, book chapters, peer-reviewed proceedings, and technical reports; and has made over 130 national and international conference presentations and lectures. He has served or serves on several editorial boards of prestigious journals in his field, in addition to serving as a book series editor (Emerald Publishing Group). He co-edited a book on authentic leadership development (Elsevier Science) and co-authored the first ever theory-based measure of authentic leadership behavior (the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire) tied to the conceptualization of authentic leadership (https://www.mindgarden.com/products/alq.htm).

Dr. Walumbwa has been recognized in published research as one of the top 2% most cited scholars in the field of business and management in the world, one of the top 2% most influential authors in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IOP) in the world, one of the top most influential and co-cited authors globally of Leadership Research during 1990-2017, and one of the top 5 most important research contributors in leadership development field. He also has been identified in published research as 5th most productive leadership scholar during the period 2004 to 2010 and 11th most influential leadership scholar during the period 1990 through 2017 in the world placing him among the top 20 Influential Leadership and Productive Scholars in the world. Dr. Walumbwa has consulted with several diverse organizations in Africa, Asia, Australia, and the United States. Among others, he served as a Senior Research Advisor (2010-2014) and a member of the Distinguished Science Advisory Council (2007-2009) for the Washington-based Gallup Organization, USA. He served as a Faculty Fellow at the FIU Provost’s Office to Advance Women, Equity & Diversity for 2 years. He is currently serving as a member of the Advisory Board for the Danne Institute for Research, Lagos, Nigeria.

Dr. Walumbwa is an outstanding educator and an award-winning professor who teaches courses in Leadership, Strategic Management, International Business, and Organizational Behavior in undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA, DBA, and PhD programs.

Courses Taught

  • Contextual Intelligence in International Business
  • DBA Dissertation
  • Doc Res In Bus Admin
  • Global Management Skills
  • Global Strategy and Business Models
  • Graduate International Business Internship
  • High Involvement Human Resource Management
  • International Business Internship
  • International Business Internship II
  • Leadership
  • Leadership I
  • Leadership in a Global Environment
  • Master's Project in International Business
  • Master's Project in Management
  • Org Behav Mgmt
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Organizational Processes that Deliver Economic and
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
  • Strategic Management


  • Udahemuka F. F., Walumbwa F. O., & Ngoye B.


    <span style="font-size:12pt;">Linking Spiritual Leadership and Intrinsic motivation</span>.

    Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion

    , 21(4)


  • Christensen-Salem A., Hartnell C. A., Walumbwa F. O., Chiang F. F., & Birtch T.


    <span style="font-size:12pt;">When Charismatic Leadership Loses its Luster: Examining the Interactive Effect of Charismatic Leadership and Abusive Supervision on Follower Prosocial Motivation and Citizenship Behavior</span>.

    Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies

    , 31(3)


  • Udahemuka F. F., Walumbwa F. O., & Ngoye B.


    <span style="font-size:12pt;">Enhancing Meaningful Work: The Roles of Spiritual Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation, and Employees' Gender</span>.

    International Journal of Business and Society

    , 25(2)


  • Christensen-Salem, A., Kinicki, A., Perrmann-Graham, J., & Walumbwa, F. O.


    CEO Performance Management Behaviors Influence on TMT Flourishing, Job Attitudes, and Firm Performance.

    Human Relations

    , 76(12)


  • Hartnell, C. A., Christensen-Salem, A., Walumbwa, F. O., Stotler, D. J., Chiang, F. F., & Birtch, T.


    Manufacturing Motivation in the Mundane: Servant Leadership's Influence on Employees' Intrinsic Motivation and Performance.

    Journal of Business Ethics

    , 188(3)


  • Awasthi, P., & Walumbwa, F. O.


    Antecedents and Consequences of Servant Leadership in Local Governance: Evidence from Three Case Studies.

    Public Administration Review

    , 82(6)


  • Christensen-Salem, A., Walumbwa, F. O., Hsu, C., Misati, E., Babalola, M., & Kim, K.


    Unmasking the Creative Self-Efficacy–Creative Performance Relationship: The Roles of Thriving at Work, Perceived Work Significance, and Task Interdependence.

    The International Journal of Human Resource Management

    , 32(22)


  • Walumbwa, F. O., Christensen-Salem, A., Babalola, M., Kasimu, P., Garba, O., & Guo, L.


    A Closer Look at How and When Family–Supportive Supervision Influences Work Interference with Family: The Roles of Family-role Overload and Task Crafting.

    The International Journal of Human Resource Management

    , 33(19)


  • Christensen-Salem, A., Zanini, M., Walumbwa, F. O., Parente, R. C., Peat, D., & Perrmann-Graham, J.


    Communal solidarity in extreme environments: The role of servant leadership and social resources in building serving culture and service performance.

    Journal of Business Research

    , 135(10)


  • Christensen-Salem, A., Walumbwa, F. O., Babalola, M., Guo, L., & Misati, E.


    A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Ostracism: The Roles of Relational Climate, Employee Mindfulness, and Work Unit Structure.

    Journal of Business Ethics

    , 171(3)


  • Schmidtke, J. M., & Walumbwa, F. O.


    Enough Already! The Role of Authentic Leadership in Improving the Management of Workplace Harassment in Organizations.

    Research in Human Resource Management


  • Shahid, S., Muchiri, M. K., & Walumbwa, F. O.


    Mapping the Antecedents and Consequences of Thriving at Work: A Review and Proposed Research Agenda.

    International Journal of Organizational Analysis

    , 29(1)


  • Walumbwa, F. O., Christensen-Salem, A., Perrmann-Graham, J., & Kasimu, P.


    An Identification Based Framework Examining How and When Salient Social Exchange Resources Facilitate and Shape Thriving at Work.

    Human Resource Development Review

    , 19(4)


  • Walumbwa, F. O., Hsu, I., Wu, C., Misati, E., & Christensen-Salem, A. (2019). Employee Service Performance and Collective Turnover: Examining the Influence of Initiating Structure Leadership, Service Climate, and Meaningfulness. Human Relations, 72(7).
  • Walumbwa, F., Muchiri, M., Misati, E., Wu, C., & Meiliani, M. (2018). Inspired To Perform: A Multilevel Investigation of Antecedents and Consequences of Thriving at Work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(3).
  • Christensen-Salem, A., Kinicki, A., Zhang, Z., & Walumbwa, F. (2018). Responses to Feedback: The Role of Acceptance, Affect, and Creative Behavior. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 25(4).
  • Aryee, S., Walumbwa, F., Mondejar, R., & Chu, C. (2017). Core Self-Evaluations and Employee Voice Behavior: Test of a Dual-Motivational Pathway. Journal of Management, 43(3).
  • Walumbwa, F. O., Hartnell, C. A., & Misati, E. (2017). Does ethical leadership enhance group learning behavior? Examining the mediating influence of group ethical conduct, justice climate, and peer justice. Journal of Business Research, 72(3).
  • Misati, E., Walumbwa, F. O., Lahiri, S., & Kundu, S. K. (2017). The Internationalization of African Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A South-North Pattern. Africa Journal of Management, 3(1).
  • Aryee, S., Walumbwa, F., Gachunga, H., & Hartnell, C. (2016). Workplace Family Resources and Service Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement. Africa Journal of Management, 2(2).
  • Hirst, G., Walumbwa, F., Aryee, S., ButarButar, I., & Chen, H. (2016). A Multilevel Investigation of Authentic Leadership as an Antecedent to Helping Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(3).
  • Aryee, S., Walumbwa, F., Seidu, E., & Otaye, L. (2016). Developing and Leveraging Human Capital Resource to Promote Service Quality: Testing a Theory of Performance. Journal of Management, 42(2).
  • Aryee, S., Walumbwa, F., Mondejar, R., & Chu, C. (2015). Accounting for the Influence of Fairness on Task Performance: Integrating Self-determination and Social Exchange Theories. Journal of Management Studies, 52(2).
  • Adegoke, O., Walumbwa, F., Yan, T., Idiagbon-Oke, M., & Ojode, L. (2014). Linking Economic Status with Technology Adoption in Three Emerging Economies of Sub-Sahara Africa. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(1).
  • Walumbwa, F., Maidique, M., & Atamanik-Dunphy, C. (2014). Decision-Making in a Crisis: What Every Leader Needs to Know. Organizational Dynamics, 43(4).
  • Waldman, D., Galvin, B., & Walumbwa, F. (2013). The Development of Motivation to Lead and Leader Role Identity. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 20(2).
  • Wang, P., Walumbwa, F. O., Wang, H., & Aryee, S. (2013). Unraveling the Relationship between Family-Supportive Supervisor and Employee Performance. Group and Organization Management, 38(2).

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