Carolina B. Gomez

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 464
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3269

Carolina B. Gomez

Professor, Department of Global Leadership and Management

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 464
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3269


Ph.D. in Business Administration
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Bachelor of Science in International Business
Meredith College, Raleigh, North Carolina

Areas of Expertise

  • Cross cultural values
  • Employee Engagement
  • Latin America

Courses Taught

  • Colloquium in Managing Organizational Ethics
  • Doc Res In Bus Admin
  • Fundamentals of International Business
  • Global Management Skills
  • Human Resource Strategy and Planning
  • International Business
  • International Business Honors Project Seminar
  • International Human Resource Management
  • International Management
  • Leadership in a Global Environment
  • Master's Seminar in Management
  • Organization and Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Professional Development Seminar II
  • Professional Development Seminar III
  • Special Topics in Management


  • Gomez, C. B., & Spencer, J.


    The effect of country economic institutions and cultural values on government policy and societal compliance in the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Business & Society


  • Nguyen, V. H., Mishra, S., & Gomez, C. B.


    CEO vs. COO: Shareholder perceptions of M&A announcements based on insider trades.

    Managerial Finance


  • Nguyen, V., Gomez, C. B., Mishra, S., & Parhizgari, A. (2021). CEO vs. COO: Shareholder perceptions of M&A announcements based on insider trades. Managerial Finance.
  • Fernandez, W., Burnett, M., & Gomez, C. B.


    Women in the Boardroom and Corporate Social Performance: Negotiating the Double Blind.

    Management Decision


  • Gomez, C., & Taylor, K.


    Cultural differences in conflict resolution strategies: A US–Mexico comparison.

    International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management


  • Alvarez, C. M., Taylor, K. A., & Gomez, C. (2017). The Effects of Hispanic Bilinguals' Language Use and Stereotype Activation on Negotiation Outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 72.
  • Vidaver-Cohen, D., Gomez, C., & Colwell, S. (2015). Country of Origin effects and Corporate Reputation in Multinational firms: Exploratory Research in Latin America. Corporate Reputation Review, 18(3).
  • Gomez, C. B., & Sanchez, J. (2013). Cultural boundaries of self-justification and prospect theories in explaining escalation of commitment in decision-making: A U.S.-Mexico comparison. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
  • Martinez, P., & Gomez, C. B. (2013). Trading telecommuting flexibility for fewer training opportunities. Journal of Management Research (Ibero-AoM).
  • Cremades, J. G., Flournoy, B., & Gomez, C. B. (2012). Motivators among male and female athletes: A test of cognitive evaluation theory. International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching, 7(2).
  • Spencer, J., & Gomez, C. B. (2011). MNEs and corruption: The impact of national institutions and subsidiary strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 32.
  • Sanchez, J. I., Gomez, C. B., & Wated, G. (2008). A Value-based framework for understanding managerial tolerance of bribery in Latin America. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(2).
  • Wated, G., Sanchez, J., & Gomez, C. B. (2008). A Two -Factor Assessment of the Beliefs that Influence Attitudes toward Privatization: Evidence from a Developing Nation. Group and Organization Management, 33(1).
  • Gomez, C. B., & Cremades, J. G. (2007). Country differences in the acceptance of compliance goals: A US-Mexico comparison. Journal of Management Research (Ibero-AoM), 5(1).
  • Gomez, C. B., & Sanchez, J. (2005). Control Mechanisms in MNCs: A Study of the Factors Influencing the Use of Formal and Informal Mechanisms of Control. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(10).
  • Gomez, C. B., & Sanchez, J. (2005). HR’s Strategic Role Within MNC's: Helping Build Social Capital in Latin America. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(12).
  • Gomez, C. B. (2004). Environmental, Organizational, and HRM Factors Influencing Management Practices Abroad: A Mexican Case Study of Organizational Learning. Journal of World Business, 39(1).
  • Gomez, C. B., & Werner, S. (2004). The Effect of Strategic and Institutional Forces on Management Practices in Multinational Subsidiaries: The Case of Subsidiaries of U.S. MNCs in Mexico. Journal of Business Research, 57(10).
  • Spencer, J. W., & Gomez, C. B. (2004). The Relationship between National Institutional Structures and Domestic Entrepreneurship Activity: A Multi-Country Study. Journal of Business Research, 57(10).
  • Gomez, C. (2003). The Relationship Between Acculturation, Values, and Job Attribute Preferences: An Anglo-Hispanic Comparison. Journal of Management Studies, 40(5).
  • Gomez, C. B., & Ranft, A. (2003). The Influence of Organizational Variables on the Transferability of Management Practices: An Examination of Traditional and Learning Manufacturing Environments In Mexico. Journal of Business Research, 56(12).
  • Maznevski, M., DiStefano, J., Gomez, C. B., Noorderhaven, N., & Wu, P. (2002). Cultural Dimensions at the International Level of Analysis: The Cultural Orientations Frame Work. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 2(3).
  • Brockner, J., Ackerman, G., Greenberg, J., Gelfand, M. J., & Francesco, A. M. (2001). Culture and Procedural Justice: The Moderation Influence of Power Distance on Ractions to Voice. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 37(4).
  • Gomez, C. B., & Rosen, B. (2001). Employee Empowerment: The Role of Managerial Trust and the Leader-Member Exchange. Group and Organization Management, 26(1).
  • Busenitz, L., Gomez, C. B., & Spencer, J. (2000). Country Institutional Profile: Unlocking Entrepreneurial Phenomena. Academy of Management Journal, 43(5).
  • Gomez, C. B., Kirkman, B., & Shapiro, D. (2000). The Impact of Collectivism and Ingroup/Outgroup Membership on Evaluation Generosity. Academy of Management Journal, 43(6).

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