Walfried M. Lassar

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 343A
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3898
Email: lassarw@fiu.edu

Walfried M. Lassar

Faculty Director, Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

Ryder Professorship

Professor, Department of Marketing & Logistics

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 343A
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-3898
Email: lassarw@fiu.edu


Ph.D. in Business Administration
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Diploma in Industrial Engineering
Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Master of Business Administration
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Areas of Expertise

  • Innovations in Services
  • Services Digitization
  • Servitization

Professional Activities

Walfried Lassar is a Professor of Marketing and holds the Ryder Systems Professor chair at Florida International University. After a 13-year business career holding various marketing and management positions in the U.S. and in Europe Dr. Lassar started his academic career in marketing. In August 1998 he joined Florida International University where he served as the Associate Dean for the Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Graduate School of business, the Chair of the Marketing Department, the Director of the Ryder Center for Supply Chain Management and the Academic Director for the Executive MBA program.

Dr. Lassar earned his Ph.D. and MBA degrees from the University of Southern California in 1992 and 1985 respectively. A native of Germany, he also holds a degree in Industrial Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) with a double major in mechanical engineering and business administration from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.

Dr. Lassar taught and researched at London Business School, the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University, the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire, and the University of Miami. At FIU Dr. Lassar taught in the Executive, Global Professional and Healthcare MBA Programs as well as the International MBA and Master of International Business program. He also developed Executive Seminars for the division of executive and professional education. He has won multiple teaching and research awards and helped develop several new academic programs like the global Executive MBA and the Doctor of Business Administration. AS the Ryder Center Director Dr. Lassar created the successful Green Supply Chain Forum and the Inter-American Supply Chain Forum. These international conferences at FIU that brought together academics, practitioners and regulators to discuss best practices.

Dr. Lassar researches issues of services marketing in the financial, healthcare and hospitality industry. Another area of research includes marketing strategy in value chains (including channels of distribution and supply chains) as well as value narratives in complex business-to-business relationships and sustainability.  His research projects integrate domestic and international business dimensions with consideration of e-commerce aspects. His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Venturing and the Strategic Management Journal among others.

Courses Taught

  • Channels of Distribution
  • Corporate Simulation
  • Creating Economic and Social Value
  • Doc Res In Bus Admin
  • Doctoral Research in Business Administration
  • Doctoral Research in Marketing
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing and Behavioral Theory
  • Marketing Channels
  • Marketing Internship
  • Marketing Management in the Global Environment
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
  • Professional Development Seminar I
  • Sales Management
  • Seminar Service Science
  • Special Topics in Marketing


  • Lassar W. M., & Hertelendy A. J.



    International Journal for Quality in Healthcare

    , 36(2)


  • Petrovici, D., Lassar, W. M., Hertelendy, A. J., & Parthasaraty, M.


    <p style="font-size:11pt;">Patient perceptions of healthcare service quality in Romania: Public versus private hospitals – Implications for developed and developing healthcare systems.

    Journal of Hospital Administration

    , 11(1)


  • Petrovici D., Lassar W. M., Hertelendy A. J., & Parthasarathy M.


    Patient Perceptions of Healthcare Service Quality in Romania: Public Versus Private Hospitals- Implications for Developed and Developing Healthcare Systems.

    Journal of Hospital Administration

    , 13(1)


  • Lassar, W. M., & Hertelendy, A. J.


    Investigating Drivers of Telecare Acceptance to Improve Healthcare Quality for Independently Living Older Adults.

    International Journal for Quality in Healthcare


  • Parthasrathy, M., & Lassar, W. M.


    The adoption and disadoption of electric vehicles by innovators.

    Marketing Letters

    , 34(December)


  • Hertelendy, A. J., McNulty, E., Mitchell, C., Gutberg, J., Lassar, W. M., Durneva, P., & Rapp, D.


    Crisis Leadership: The New Imperative for MBA Curricula.

    The International Journal of Management Education

    , 19(3)


  • Roy, S. K., Shekhar, V., Lassar, W. M., & Chen, T. (2018). Customer engagement behaviors: The role of service convenience, fairness and quality. JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES, 44(Fall).
  • Roy, S. K., Balaji, M. S., Soutar, G., Lassar, W. M., & Roy, R. (2018). Customer engagement behavior in individualistic and collectivistic markets. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 86(May).
  • Balaji, M. S., Roy, S. K., & Lassar, W. M. (2017). Language divergence in service encounters: Revisiting its influence on word-of-mouth. Journal of Business Research, 72(March).
  • Roy, S. K., Lassar, W., & Shekhar, V. (2016). Convenience and satisfaction: Mediation of fairness and quality. Service Industries Journal, 36(5-6).
  • Lassar, W. M., Roy, S., & Makam, S. B. (2016). Relationship Communication and Relationship Quality as Predictors of Relationship Continuity. REDISCOVERING THE ESSENTIALITY OF MARKETING.
  • Roy, S. K., Lassar, W., Ganguli, S., Nguyen, B., & Yu, X. (2016). Service Quality: Systematic Review of the Literature. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 7(1).
  • Sonnier, B., Lassar, W., & Lassar, S. (2015). The Influence of Source Credibility and Attribution of Blame in Juror Evaluations of Auditors' Liability. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 7(1).
  • Dandapani, K., Gupta, S. K., & Lassar, W. M.


    Price Determination in Brick and Mortar and Online.

    International Journal of Finance

    , 25(2)


  • Sonnier, B., & Lassar, W. M. (2013). An empirical evaluation of Graham’s Model of principled organizational dissent in the Whistleblower context post-SOX. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 5(2).
  • Sonnier, B. M., Lassar, S. S., & Lassar, W. M. (2012). An examination of the influence of audit firm size and industry. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 4(1).
  • Davies, M., Lassar, W. M., Manolis, C., Prince, M., & Winsor, R. D. (2011). A model of trust and compliance in franchise relationships. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(3).
  • Mohammed, S. M., Chen, Y., & Lassar, W. M. (2011). Chrome furnishers Ltd. Business strategy for Trinidad and Tobago. Online Journal of International Case Analysis, 2(1).
  • Mohammed, S., Chen, Y. J., & Lassar, W. M. (2011). Chrome furnishers Ltd. Business strategy for Trinidad and Tobago. Online Journal of International Case Analysis, 2(1).
  • Lassar, W. M., Haar, J., Montalvo, R., & Hulser, L. (2010). Determinants of strategic risk management in emerging markets supply chains: The case of Mexico. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 15(28).
  • Tsalikis, J., & Lassar, W. (2009). Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Business Ethical Behavior in Two Muslim Countries. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 89.
  • Dickson, P. R., Lassar, W. M., Gary, H., & Samit, C. (2009). The pursuit of excellence in process thinking and customer relationship management. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 29(2).
  • Lassar, W. M., & Kulkarni, S. (2008). McDonald’s ongoing marketing challenge: Social perception in India. Online Journal of International Case Analysis, 1(2).
  • Lassar, W. M., Lassar, S. S., & Rauseo, N. (2008). Developing a CRM strategy in your firm. Journal of Accountancy, 206(2).
  • Miyazaki, A. D., Lassar, W. M., & Taylor, K. A. (2007). Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic response to online self-service tasks: Implications for perceived quality and patronage intentions. Journal of Services Marketing, 21(7).
  • Dandapani, K., Lassar, W. M., & Lassar, S. (2005). Virtual Banking: Impetus and Impediments. International Journal of Finance, 17(2).
  • Lassar, W. M., & Manolis, C. (2005). Antecedents to Online Purchasing – An Exploratory Comparison of Anglo versus Hispanic Consumers in the United States. Journal of Internet Commerce, 4(1).
  • Dandapani, K., & Lassar, W. M. (2003). Media Perceptions and their Impact on Website Quality. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 21(1).
  • Kaufman, M., Dandapani, K., & Lassar, W. M. (2003). Life Asset Conversion, Inc. Case Research Journal, 23(1).
  • Lassar, W. M., & Dandapani, K. (2003). Media Perceptions and Their Impact on Quality: An Exploratory Study Investigating Task-technology Fit for Online Banking. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 21(1).
  • Lassar, W. M., Dandapani, K., & Kaufman, M. (2003). Life Asset Conversion Inc. Case Research Journal, 23(1/2).
  • Vermillion, L. J., Lassar, W. M., & Winsor, R. D. (2002). The Hunt-Vitrell General Theory of Marketing Ethics: Can It Enhance our Understanding of Principal-agent Relationships in the Channels of Distribution? Journal of Business Ethics, 41(3).
  • Lassar, W. M. (2001). Increasing the Persuasivenes of a Service Guarantee: The Role of Service Process Evidence. Journal of Services Marketing, 15(2).
  • Lassar, W. M. (2000). Service Quality Perspective and Satisfaction in Private Banking. Journal of Services Marketing, 14(2/3).
  • Mittal, B., & Lassar, W. M. (2000). Sexual Liberalism as a Determinant of Consumer Respond to Sex in Advertising. Journal of Business and Psychology, 15(1).
  • Lassar, W. M. (1999). Consumer Responses to the Timing of Product Breakdowns in the Presence of Manufacturers’ Warranties. Journal of Business and Psychology, 14(2).

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  • Dickson, P. R., Miniard, P., Malter, A., & Lassar, W. M. (2011). Grounding Dynamic Capability.
  • Dickson, P., Miniard, P., Malter, A., & Lassar, W. M. (2011). Process Thinking and the Practice of Marketing.