Ali Gungoraydinoglu

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 225B
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-7428

Ali Gungoraydinoglu

Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Finance

College of Business
Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 225B
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (305) 348-7428


Ph.D. in Economics
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Master of Arts in Economics
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

Areas of Expertise

  • Corporate Finance

Professional Activities

Dr. Gungoraydinoglu is an Associate Teaching Professor of Finance at the College of Business. After receiving his Ph.D. degree from University of Florida, he joined University of Mississippi and the Croft Institute as Croft Assistant Professor. He joined FIU in 2012 and has been teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels.

Gungoraydinoglu's research interests include corporate finance, international finance, international trade, fixed income securities, industrial organization, development, growth and technological change. He has published in journals such as Journal of Financial Intermediation and Journal of Corporate Finance and published several book chapters.

Courses Taught

  • Financial Economics I
  • Financial Management
  • Intermediate Finance
  • Securities Analysis


  • Gungoraydinoglu A.


    Financial crises, banking regulations, and corporate financing patterns around the world.

    International Review of Finance

    , null(null)


  • Gungoraydinoglu, A., & Oztekin, O.


    Financial Crises, Banking Regulations, and Corporate Financing Patterns Around the World.

    International Review of Finance


  • Oztekin, O., Oztekin, I., & Gungoraydinoglu, A.


    The Impact of COVID-19 and its Policy Responses on Local Economy and Health Conditions.

    Journal of Risk and Financial Management

    , 14(6)


  • Gungoraydinoglu, A., & Öztekin, Ö.


    Financial Leverage and Debt Maturity Targeting: International Evidence.

    Journal of Risk and Financial Management

    , 14(9)


  • Gungoraydinoglu, A., & Oztekin, I.


    The Impact of COVID-19 and its Policy Responses on Local Economy and Health Conditions.

    Journal of Risk and Financial Management


  • Colak, G., Gungoraydinoglu, A., & Oztekin, O.


    Global Leverage Adjustments, Uncertainty, and Country Institutional Strength.

    Journal of Financial Intermediation

    , 35, Part A(July)


  • Oztekin, O., Colak, G., & Gungoraydinoglu, A. (2017). Political Environment, Financial Intermediation Costs, and Financing Patterns. Journal of Corporate Finance, 44(June).
  • Gungoraydinoglu, A., & Oztekin, O. (2011). Firm- and country-level determinants of corporate leverage: Some new international evidence. Journal of Corporate Finance, 17(5).

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