Application & Requirements

A holistic approach is applied when reviewing your admission file. An applicant should show high promise of success in graduate studies as determined by the faculty based on academic performance, work experience or a combination of academic and work experience.

An outline of the general admissions criteria follows. Full details are provided in the FIU Graduate Catalog. An applicant should:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university (a business degree is not required).

  2. Have a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) or better on upper-division coursework.

  3. Show high promise of success in graduate studies as determined by the faculty based upon a minimum score of 500 on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or equivalent score on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE).

An applicant can seek a GMAT/GRE Waiver under the following conditions:

  • Demonstration of at least four years of business (real estate and affiliated industries such as banking, finance, insurance, etc.) related work experience, or

  • Having an undergraduate business degree from Florida International University with an upper division grade point average (GPA) of 3.25, or higher, or

  • Having a business, economics, engineering, construction management or architecture degree from an accredited school with an upper division grade point average (GPA) of 3.25, or higher, or

  • By having already completed a graduate degree from an accredited university with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, or by entering a business master program under a special agreement for admissions with specific foreign universities.

Application Deadline

The program admits students every Fall and Spring term under the following deadlines:

To begin in the Fall term (August)

July 1

Last day for International and Domestic students to submit the online application, and all supporting academic credentials, appropriate test scores, and Declaration and Certification of Finances.

To begin in the Spring term (January)

November 1

Last day for International and Domestic students to submit the online application, and all supporting academic credentials, appropriate test scores, and Declaration and Certification of Finances.

Application Process: (For all applicants)

  • STEP 1: Apply for the program

    To apply for the program:

    • Complete the online application for admission.

    • Pay a $30 application fee. Most major credit cards are accepted. Checks or money orders are also accepted and should be made payable to Florida International University.

    • Select DT Miami on the application for the FIU Downtown on Brickell face-to-face classes, with streaming & on demand recordings, or

    • Select ONLINE on the application for fully-online format.

    You may complete the online application and submit it, even without having taken the GMAT, GRE or TOEFL.

  • STEP 2: Submit all materials

    All materials should be sent to:

    FIU – MSIRE Program
    Chapman Graduate School of Business
    Florida International University
    11200 SW 8th Street, CBC 200
    Miami, Florida 33199

    If you prefer to email the documents, please send them to

    1. Official transcripts from all previously attended universities. The original transcripts must be submitted in an envelope sealed by the degree-granting institution. If your official transcripts are not in English, you must submit translated transcripts. Please ask your university to provide two original transcripts. The first set of transcripts must remain in the sealed envelope. The second set of transcripts should be sent to an official translation company for translation.

    2. Applicants who hold an undergraduate or graduate degree from non-English speaking countries must demonstrate English proficiency by taking either:

      • Duolingo (minimum score is 110)
      • TOEFL (minimum scores are: 550 paper-based, 213 computer-based, and 80 internet-based)
      • IELTS (minimum score is 6.5)

      Test scores are considered official when sent by the testing center directly to our school. When requesting the official scores, please refer to the Florida International University Institution code 5206.

    3. Submit a current resume of professional experience. (Internships and part-time employment may be included)

    4. Submit a statement of purpose: a one-page essay describing your professional goals and reasons for pursuing the MS in International Real Estate degree at Florida International University.

    5. Submit a copy of your passport or Alien card.

    Florida Residents: Two proofs of residency. Documents must be dated one year prior to the term you are seeking admissions. For a list of acceptable documents please visit the Florida Residency for Tuition page.

    Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admissions into the program.

  • STEP 3: Check Application Status

    To check the status of your application, please call 305.348.0148 or e-mail the MSIRE office at