Global Bilingual Sales Competition

Spring Semester

For more information on the FIU-GBSC, please visit:

The FIU College of Business’ Global Bilingual Sales Competition (GBSC) is the only sales competition of its kind in the world, bringing student competitors from across the globe to compete in both English and Spanish. The need for bilingual sales representatives, key account managers, and sales managers by local, national, and worldwide organizations is rapidly increasing. The vision of the FIU-GBSC is that it serves as a venue for Spanish-English bilingual students and educators in developing a global salesforce.

The event is open to national and international universities with students speaking both English and Spanish. Each university team can have up to four (4) student competitors, provided that at least one student from the team compete in Spanish. The judging will be done by representatives from global organizations as well as faculty teaching sales courses.

The Global Bilingual Sales Competition takes place in the Spring semester at the FIU’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus – MMC, home of the Global Sales Lab. This state-of-the-art lab facility is equipped with 12 Sales Training Rooms, each with recording capabilities. Judges and FIU-GBSC sponsors will be able to watch the role plays live through video streaming. Competitors, universities, and qualifying sponsors will also be able to access videos for recruiting and training purposes.

Important Dates

Virtual Qualifiers: February 12, 2025
In-Person Finals: March 20-21, 2025

Contact Information

Global Sales Lab
11200 SW 8th St, Ryder Building 307B
Miami, FL 33199

Phone Number: 305-348-0694