FIU Business Now - Spring 2020
FIU Business faculty share insight with the media 

FIU Business faculty share insight with the media

Forbes — May 10, 2020
Ravi Gajendran, an associate professor of global leadership and management, discussed the urgency of managers and executives becoming more comfortable leading remote workforces. Personalized leadership and frequent communication are critical. "By creating proactive norms of member inclusion and psychological safety, remote teams can be just as innovative as teams working in-person," he said. Article

The New York Times — May 9, 2020
Kimberly Taylor, an associate professor of marketing and logistics, explained that Gerber's selection of the first adopted "spokesbaby" has allowed the company to enhance consumer involvement and build closer ties within the Gerber brand community. "This has also allowed them to showcase greater diversity within this iconic brand," she said. Article

Miami Herald — April 27, 2020
Deanne Butchey, a university lecturer of finance, discussed COVID-19's impact on women. "There is still a perception that men are the breadwinners in the family, and that is why they keep their jobs more than women in the same industry ... and professional level," she noted. Article

Telemundo — April 20, 2020
Fred Perry, a clinical professor of accounting, discussed the U.S. business landscape following the coronavirus pandemic, noting that consumers will be fearful of entering a restaurant so operators will have to guarantee that it's a safe place. Already convenient for many, working from home will likely increase, he added. Watch

U.S. News & World Report — April 17, 2020
Ravi Gajendran, an associate professor of global leadership and management, shared his insight on how COVID-19 has changed attitudes about telecommuting as "the office" has moved to workers' living rooms and kitchens. "What's happening now is an unprecedented experiment," he said. Article

The Hill — April 15, 2020
Amidst supply chain management's increased role during the COVID-19 crisis, Jerry Haar, professor of international business, shared his opinion that a fully functioning, well-managed supply chain system is capable of coordinating three challenging management functions: demand management, procurement management and fulfillment management. Article

WLRN "Sundial" – April 6, 2020
Marc Weinstein, a clinical professor of global leadership and management, discussed unemployment in South Florida plus the system's failure to process applications. "When you have 6 million applications in the first week and 9 million by the second week, no system is ready," he said. Listen

El Nuevo Herald — March 17, 2020
Fred Perry, a clinical professor of accounting, explained that, as social isolation measures are tightened as a result of COVID-19, the U.S. economy, on the verge of a recession, will suffer less damage in the long term. "As the virus is contained, the economy will recover," he said. Article

CBS 4 — March 16, 2020
Marc Weinstein, a clinical professor of leadership and management, explained how provisions in the Coronavirus Relief Act apply to even independent workers. "They could document past income and that they're out of work because they are sick, in self-quarantine or caring for somebody," he noted. Watch

South Florida Sun Sentinel — March 14, 2020
Deanne Butchey, a university lecturer of finance, discussed the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on the cruise industry. "The big ones will weather the storm eventually. The smaller ones might have problems ... during these tough times. I'm hesitant to call a bottom in the market," she said. Article

Telemundo 51 — February 21, 2020
Gustavo Mosquera, a visiting instructor of marketing and logistics, described how brands have made online influencers a billion-dollar industry. "When a brand is trying to influence an audience or persuade them to purchase my product, it's more attractive if you hear it from someone you trust," he said. Watch

The Wall Street Journal — January 27, 2020
An article on a change in how companies report operating leases on a balance sheet cited research by Jonathan Milian, an associate professor of accounting, which indicated that shifting more information from the footnotes to the balance sheet could have a negative impact on stock returns. Article

NBC Miami — November 26, 2019
Lin Humphrey, an assistant professor of marketing and logistics, shared his insight on retail prices, pointing out several reasons why retailers may vary pricing store to store. "It could be that they're updating pricing in their system and it hasn't rolled out to all the locations," he said. Watch

CNN en Español — November 15, 2019
Carlos Parra, a clinical professor of information systems and business analytics, discussed Google's decision to stop providing contextual data about publisher content to advertisers. "Social media platforms will have to come together and show they're behaving well to avoid intervention from regulators," he said. Watch