FIU Business Now Magazine - Fall 2023
Former UK Prime Minister Shares Insight at FIU Business 


Former UK Prime Minister Shares Insight at FIU Business

David Cameron, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, shared his views on the intersection of politics and business in today's world during a Q&A with students, alumni and business leaders at FIU Business in spring 2023.

"Imagine you're leaving university today to face the world," said Cameron, who served as prime minister from 2010 to 2016. "You realize how hard it is to work in business and politics. One bad tweet could end your business. A negative news story could ruin your brand."

The former prime minister noted that it's harder today for businesses to expand into other markets due to a variety of factors.

"In the 90s you could grow anywhere, now it's completely different," Cameron said during the event, hosted by the PayCargo Supply Chain and Logistics Program at FIU Business. "What about this risk? This country? Climate change? It's a more difficult world."

Moderator Greg Maloney, director of the MS in Logistics and Supply Chain Management program at FIU Business, asked Cameron what skills are most important for logistics students.

"Lots of skills are essential, but judgement is the most important," said Cameron. "It's not just about maximizing profits. Decisions need to be made quickly. Compartmentalize and find the time to make decisions."

"Globalization is undergoing a course correction. Not a full reversal, but if you're a business, you're thinking about the markets you can be thriving in. Double down on international cooperation."

– David Cameron

Lucas Pedrianes-Eche, a student at Miami Springs Senior High School and a future FIU Business logistics student, asked Cameron how he anticipates the use of artificial intelligence (AI) will impact the world of supply chain and logistics.

"Things like AI have enormous power as a defensive mechanism," Cameron said, citing cyberattacks as a major threat to businesses. But he warned the tool should not be used in place of critical thinking.

Sebastian Paez, a student and president of the Logistics and Supply Management Association at FIU Business, asked Cameron if relying on other nations for goods could impact current economic conditions in the U.S. or lead to a recession, using the current semiconductor shortage as an example.

"Globalization is undergoing a course correction," said Cameron. "Not a full reversal, but if you're a business, you're thinking about the markets you can be thriving in. Double down on international cooperation."

Megan Staubitz, senior foundation relations officer at Airlink, wanted to know how using emerging technology can support efforts to send humanitarian aid into areas of conflict.

"You can instantly deliver digital payments directly to people's phones or use drones to deliver medicine," said Cameron.