FIU Business Now Magazine
Program Brings the Emotional Connection of Luxury Branding to MBAs

Program Brings the Emotional Connection of Luxury Branding to MBAs

As Sabaa Tovar toured the hallways of the exclusive Montage Laguna Beach resort in California, she became aware of a unique scent emanating through the air. When she peeked inside one of the ultra-luxurious suites and felt the bedding, she swooned.

“The luxury was something I never saw before in my life!” Tovar said. “It was incredible to see the service, discipline and organization. This kind of experience really shows a business student what it takes to manage a luxury brand and be at the top of your game.”

As one of 18 FIU MBA students to take part in the inaugural Luxury Incubator MBA Project and its seven-day field trip to New York and California, Tovar got a firsthand look into iconic luxury brands and the people and thinking behind them. The program, believed to be the first of its kind, is the brainchild of Deepak Ohri, CEO of lebua Hotels and Resorts and executive-in-residence at FIU’s Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center, and Anna Pietraszek, director of global operations and assistant teaching professor of marketing and logistics at FIU Business.

“The impact on the students is huge,” Pietraszek said. “They learned it’s not about expense, but about how you are able to see and experience what is around you.” Luxury, they learned, is about creating emotional connections. “If you can’t create emotional expression between you and your client, you’re not going to be successful,” said MBA student Kareem Ghraoui. “The way luxury retailers and exclusive hotel brands go above and beyond to maintain a relationship with the client is incredible!”

They learned from the Eight Inc. executive who designed Apple’s first flagship store in 2001. At Dior, with a backdrop of diamonds and purses in a private room, they discussed how the brand connects with clients and maintains relevancy.

During an hours-long meeting with officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the students heard about ethics requirements and rules for CEOs when companies go public and talked about how to build capital and handle inventory.

Not all of the learning occurred during official sessions. Ohri, globally recognized as an innovative luxury brand leader, was a continuous source of knowledge, answering questions and doling out advice, as well as inspiring the group with stories about his own humble beginnings.