EMS 2021 Sponsorships Opportunities
The EMS 2021 conference remains a unique opportunity for you to position your school or business before an audience of as many as scholarly practitioners and professionals from around the world. Sponsors will receive recognition to acknowledge their leadership and support of the 11th Engaged Management Scholarship Conference.
Please consider a sponsorship for one or more of the following events at this year’s conference.
$1,500 Keynote Session (There are 3 Keynote Addresses during the EMS 2021 Conference)
- Acknowledgment and School/Business Logo on EMS 2021 website Sponsor page before, during and 3 months after Conference;
- School/Business recognized during each Keynote address with logo displayed;
- School/Business Sponsor Banner on Conference App before, during and 3 months after Conference;
- Option for Sponsor School/Business marketing video;
- Option for meet-ups with Conference attendees.
$1000 Doctoral Consortium (Thursday, September 9, 2021)
– OR --
$1000 Alumni Consortium (Thursday, September 9, 2021)
- Acknowledgment and School/Business Logo on EMS 2021 website Sponsor page and Conference App before, during and 3 months after the Conference;
- School/Business acknowledged at the beginning and end of the Consortium as well during breaks;
- The Conference App allows for a School/Program Sponsor Banner.
$750 Poster Session (Friday, September 10, 2021)
$750 Conference Workshops or Panels (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
- Acknowledgment and Logo on EMS 2020 website Sponsor page before, during and 3 months after Conference;
- School/Business logo displayed on virtual sessions site.
$500 Conference Co!ee Breaks
$500 Conference Happy Hours
- Acknowledgment and School/Business logo posted virtually during the breaks or Happy Hour sessions;
- EMS 2021 website Sponsor page and Conference App.
Your sponsorship will show your support for the EDBAC and the EMS 2021 Conference and provide you with significant exposure to your School/Business before, during and post-Conference.
Thank you for your support of EMS 2021 in Miami! Please reply with your sponsorship by or before June 15, 2021.
Sponsorship Opportunities
I Want to Sponsor EMS 2021!FIU is a proud member of the Executive DBA Council