Doctoral Consortium Information
We are excited to announce the Doctoral Consortium for the Eleventh Engaged Management Scholarship Conference to be held at Florida International University in Miami, Fl on September 9, 2021.
The EMS 2021 Doctoral Consortium is a special, invitation-only session of the EMS conference where a select group of nominated DBA students and faculty from EDBAC member DBA programs around the world come together to share details about their dissertation research, receive advice and feedback about their work, and reciprocate to other students. It is also a great networking opportunity, as you will have the chance to interact with other nominated DBA students from top programs around the world.
This year’s Doctoral Consortium will be held both in-person and online the day before the main EMS conference, specifically on Thursday, September 9, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EDT. Participants in the doctoral consortium will also be required to register for the main EMS 2021 conference and will be expected to participate in the mini-research paper session devoted to the Doctoral Consortium that will be held on Friday, September 10, 2020.
The application portal for submissions will open on May 1, 2021 and the deadline for receipt of doctoral candidate applications is June 21, 2021. Your assistance is needed to ensure that top students from your program secure a spot in the doctoral consortium at EMS 2021. All student participants in the EMS 2021 Doctoral Consortium must be nominated by their program director or a program faculty member.
The process is easy:
- Identify up to five of your top students;
- Contact your students with nomination and doctoral consortium information;
- Email bart.cambre@ams.ac.be the list of the nominated students no later than June 7, 2021;
- Each of your nominated students submits a three-page extended abstract (see below) to the EMS 2021 conference submission systems by June 21, 2021.
We are looking forward to an exciting and constructive learning environment for the students!
Additional information about the doctoral consortium submission process will be updated here as we get closer to the conference.
Instructions for preparing the “Extended Abstract” application
The extended abstract should be completed by doctoral students who have already been nominated by an Executive Doctor of Business Administration Council (EDBAC) “academic member” organization.
Extended Abstract
The Doctoral Consortium nominee’s research should be in the form of an extended abstract of the student’s current research. The abstract should include:
- A clearly articulated research question;
- Justification for why and to whom the research is important (So What?);
- Brief literature review;
- Presentation of the theoretical basis for the work;
- Research model and hypotheses (if applicable); and
- Description of the research design and discussion of the relevance and practical importance of the study for evidence-based management and engaged scholarship.
The abstract should not exceed three single-spaced pages, using one-inch margins and Times New Roman 12-point font. This does not include references, tables, figures, and appendixes.
All submissions must be received no later than June 21, 2021. Please submit your application through this submission page.
All submissions from nominated DBA students will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium faculty committee to verify that the proposed research is at a sufficient stage of development to benefit from inclusion in the doctoral consortium. Since selection is competitive, you are encouraged to seek feedback on your extended abstract from your advisor prior to final submission.
If you are selected to participate in the doctoral consortium, you will be asked to create and record up to a 15 minute presentation on your proposed dissertation research and submit that to the conference by August 17, 2021. This will allow others in your break-out group to review all the presentations in advance of the doctoral consortium and be prepared to share feedback and suggestions during the consortium.
Contact Us
For information please contact
Bart Cambre at bart.cambre@ams.ac.be.
FIU is a proud member of the Executive DBA Council