Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to submit a paper to register for the conference?
No. Many attendees come to the conference to experience the research of others and to develop their network of international practitioner scholars.
Do I need to register for the conference to submit a paper?
Yes and No. Yes, you must be registered for the full conference if you have a paper or panel submission accepted. No, you do not need to be registered for the conference to submit your work – just if it gets accepted.
Do I need to recommend students for the Doctoral Consortium?
No. We encourage you to recommend your top doctoral students for the EMS Doctoral Consortium, but you are not required to do so.
Can I only attend the Alumni/ Doctoral consortium, or will I need to register for the entirety of the conference?
To participate in the Doctoral Consortium (if invited) or the Alumni Consortium, you must be registered to attend the full conference.
Do I need an invitation to attend the Alumni consortium?
No. Attendance for the Alumni Consortium requires no invitation.
Do I need an invitation to attend the Doctoral Consortium?
Yes. The Doctoral Consortium is by invitation only based on nomination to the consortium chair by your program director or major professor.
Can I be a reviewer if I will not be submitting a paper?
Absolutely! We welcome volunteers to assist with the review process. Just let us know that you want to volunteer to be a reviewer.
If accepted, would my paper have a chance of getting published in the EDBAC journal?
Yes. The best papers from the conference will be forwarded to the EDBAC EMS Journal for consideration of publication.
Are there practical examples of what an Alumni panel contribution might be?
Basically, any topic that would lend itself to be delivered via a panel and would be of interest to alumni of a DBA program would be an appropriate submission.
I am unsure whether I will attend the conference virtually or in person. If I choose the virtual option and later change my mind, when is the latest this change could be made?
We understand the uncertainty in our world at the moment. If you register for remote attendance and later want to attend in person, you can let us know and we will provide you with a method of paying the difference between the two registration options. The non- Early Bird rates will apply. We will have to set a deadline for changing your mind to allow for additional in-person attendees to be properly accommodated but changing your plans should be easy to accommodate until August 1, 2021, at least. We cannot, however, guarantee access to accommodations at the conference hotel but, if space is still available, the conference rate will apply.
What COVID-19 precautions and/or restrictions will be employed at EMS 2021?
We will be employing whatever COVID-19 precautions and restrictions that are appropriate at the time of the conference. We will continue our cleaning protocols that have been established as part of addressing the COVID-19 challenges. Given the direction things are progressing, we expect to be at 100% capacity. Masks will be optional but not required. All attendees will need to register with the FIU COVID symptom check mobile application each day prior to arriving on campus. As we get closer to the conference date, we will communicate all current COVID information to all attendees.
Do I have to stay at the conference hotel?
No. By staying at the conference hotel, you will have access to the complimentary transportation to and from the conference site each day and you will be at the center of the action for networking with other conference attendees after each day’s events.
Can I bring a guest to the Saturday social event?
Sure. We have a registration option for a non-conference attendee to join us at the social event.
What is included in the in-person registration?
In addition to having access to all conference sessions, your in-person registration includes all scheduled transportation, conference gifts, continental breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches, and the Saturday evening social event.
Contact Us
For information please contact
Yasemin Shirazi at yshiraz@fiu.edu.
FIU is a proud member of the Executive DBA Council